
来源 :语文函授 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:donglu1116
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我从事过中学语文教学,接触过大量的中学生和其他战线的青年同志,觉得在中学语文教学中,文言文的教学不能取消,只能加强。这是因为,目前中学毕业生升入大学文科的毕竟是少数,如果只把文言文留在大学文科(文史专业)去学,势必使绝大多数青年没有机会接触文言文,而他们在未来参加社会主义建设事业中,并不是不再接触文言文的,不仅医学、农学、地理等方面有不少古典文献需要阅读,就是在阅读毛主席著作和报刊上的重要文章时,也还会碰到一些古代词语和文言句式,需要他们准确地理解,而这不是在中学现代文教学中所能完全解决的。同时,古代书籍对现代人有用而目前已把它们正确地改写成现代文的还不多,要译出古代文化遗产中大量可供吸收的东西,也不是三年五年的事。即使有了, I have taught Chinese in middle schools, contacted a large number of middle school students and young comrades from other fronts. I feel that in the teaching of Chinese in middle schools, the teaching of classical Chinese can not be cancelled but can only be strengthened. This is because, at present, there are only a handful of secondary school graduates who have graduated from liberal arts. If you only keep the classical Chinese language in university liberal arts (majory and history) to study, it is bound to make the overwhelming majority of young people not have access to classical Chinese, and they will participate in socialism in the future. In the construction industry, it is no longer possible to touch classical Chinese. Not only do many classical documents need to be read in medicine, agronomy, and geography, but when reading important articles in Chairman Mao’s books and newspapers, there are also some ancient words encountered. Both classical and formal sentences need their accurate understanding. This is not completely solved in the teaching of modern middle school. At the same time, there are not many ancient books that are useful to modern people and they have been correctly rewritten into modern texts. It is not three years or five years to translate a large number of things that can be absorbed in ancient cultural heritage. Even if there is,
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