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20 0 3年 3月 ,人类发现一种新的冠状病毒SARS CoV ,这种病毒是非典型性肺炎 (SARS)的病原体。SARS CoV的基因组序列已经由包括中国科学家在内的全世界的科研人员测定完成。该文对国际报道的SARS病源的基因序列进行了收录 ,阐述了SARS CoV基因组的基本特性 :SARS CoV的基因组长约 2 8~ 30kb ,与冠状病毒科的基因组长度相符合 ,其中包括 11个编码序列 ,基因组的组织方式也与其他冠状病毒类似 ,从表面蛋白 (S蛋白 )、外膜蛋白 (M蛋白 )和核蛋白 (N蛋白 )上看 ,SARS病毒与其他冠状病毒的对应蛋白进化关系接近。同时发现 ,在某些区域 ,SARS病毒的基因序列与其他冠状病毒存在相当大的差异 ,具有自身比较保守的基因组序列结构。而且氨基酸的序列也与其他冠状病毒有很大程度的不同。基因信息的冗余分析表明 ,SARS CoV具有较低的冗余度 ,即发生变异的可能性比较大。虽然SARS CoV外表与冠状病毒类似 ,亲缘关系未超出冠状病毒科界限 ,但由于蛋白基因与氨基酸的序列与其他冠状病毒有本质不同 ,因此可能不是其他冠状病毒的变异体 ,而是一种与冠状病毒类似、但早已独立存在、此前未被人类所认识的新病毒 In March 2003, humans discovered a new coronavirus, SARS CoV, which is the causative agent of atypical pneumonia (SARS). The genome sequence of SARS CoV has been determined by researchers from around the world, including Chinese scientists. In this paper, the sequences of the reported SARS pathogens in the world are reported. The basic characteristics of the SARS CoV genome are described. The genome of SARS CoV is about 28-30 kb in length, which is consistent with the genome length of the Coronaviridae, including 11 coding The sequences and genomic organization are also similar to those of other coronaviruses. From the surface proteins (S protein), the outer membrane protein (M protein) and the nucleoprotein (N protein), the evolutionary relationship between the SARS virus and the corresponding proteins of other coronaviruses . At the same time, it was found that in some areas, the SARS virus gene sequence has considerable differences with other coronaviruses and has its own relatively conserved genomic sequence structure. And the sequence of amino acids is also very different from other coronaviruses. Redundancy analysis of gene information indicates that SARS CoV has lower redundancy, that is, the possibility of mutation is relatively large. Although the appearance of SARS CoV is similar to that of coronavirus, the genetic relationship does not exceed the level of the Coronaviridae. However, since the sequence of the protein gene and amino acid is essentially different from other coronaviruses, it may not be a variant of other coronaviruses, The virus is similar, but has long existed independently, a new virus that has not previously been recognized by humans
Rationale:Accumulating evidence suggests that cholinergic systems modulate dopaminergic function in brain pathways thought to mediate heroin’s abuse-related ef
“蛋白质是我们理解细胞功能和疾病过程的核心 ,如果在蛋白质组学方面没有共同的努力 ,基因组学的成果将不会成为现实” .现在人类的基因组已被排序 ,我们要面对更大的挑战 ,
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