
来源 :中国农村观察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fh2029
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本文提出并论证了以下观点 :①不能把“天保工程”仅仅理解成生态工程 ,它可以也必须成为富民富县的重大工程之一 ;②“天保工程”的实施应把传统计划经济条件下自上而下的政府组织方式 ,转变成以农民为主体的自下而上的多方协作过程 ;③不能忽视村民集体林地所有权和使用权 ,应尽快赋予造林者 1 0 0年不变且有法律保障的林地权属 ;④重视并运用正确方法解决林区农民的返贫及其生存发展问题 ;⑤森工由“砍树人变为管树人、造树人”后 ,理顺和设计新的森林管理体制是当务之急 ;⑥现行的检查、自查和互查难以监测评估出真实信息 ,推广与普及农民参与式快速监测评估 (PRA)势在必行。 This paper puts forward and demonstrates the following points: (1) “Natural Forest Protection Project” can not be understood as ecological engineering only, and it can and must become one of the major projects to enrich rich and rich counties; (2) “natural forest protection project” should be implemented under the traditional planned economy Top-down government organization mode transformed into a bottom-up multi-party collaboration process with farmers as the main body; ③ Ownership and rights of use of collective forest land can not be ignored; afforestation persons should be given the same guarantee and legal protection as soon as possible Of the forest land tenure; ④ emphasis and use the correct method to solve the problem of returning to poverty and its survival and development of farmers in forest areas; ⑤ forest workers from “cut tree people into tube tree, tree man”, rationalize and design new forest Management system is the top priority; ⑥ The current inspection, self-examination and mutual inspection difficult to monitor and evaluate the true information, promotion and popularization of farmer Participatory Rapid Monitoring Assessment (PRA) is imperative.
从沙棘的良种选择、壮苗培育、抗旱造林、次生林改造、平茬复壮等不同方面综述了沙棘林培育技术的研究现状 ,分析了其中存在的问题 ,指出今后应该重点解决的理论与实践问题。
去年的这个时侯,25名中国孩子在日本大出风头,他们潇洒地露富,引起日本各大报刊和电视台竞相连续报道,成为当时轰动日本的社会新闻。 这些孩子是广州中华英豪学校的学生,据
本文研究了聚乙烯醇(PVA-124)存在下,磷、砷、硅共存时以结晶紫-磷钼酸直接在水相测定磷的掩蔽体系,并探讨了各个元素分别测定的可能性。 1.主要试剂和仪器:磷、砷和硅的标
The incidence of diabetes mellitus(DM) continues to rise and has quickly become one of the most prevalent and costly chronic diseases worldwide. A close link ex