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近两年来,内地在大学生出国留学热度不减的同时,一些大城市尤其是沿海大城市的中学校园“托福”热升温,兴起了中学生出国留学热。在南方一些城市,办理出国留学的中学生占所有出国人员的百分之七十到八十。中学生出国留学热何以兴起,其原因是多方面的。一部分人先富起来,每年支付孩子几十万元人民币的留学费用已不成问题。二是国内升学和就业竞争压力加大,中学生要面对中考、高考的激烈竞争,相当多的家长担心孩子如果考不上重点中学,就会导致考不上好大学,最终影响就业和前途。三是教育市场国际化,外国学校看好中国市场。随着高考的临近,为孩子咨询出国留学相关事宜的家长明显增多。出国留学似乎成了一件很光彩的事,也慢慢成了学生与家长的主流选择。这回“老外”乐坏了,赚学生的钱咋就这么容易。这两年这洋学校一阵风似的跟着多了起来。报纸上、网上,这广告是铺天盖地,咱一根筋的父母,也不管他三七二十一,反正我们家孩子要出国,平时谨小慎微生怕上当的家长们,这会 In the past two years, while the number of undergraduate students studying overseas has continued unabated, the “TOEFL” in some major cities, especially those in coastal cities, has risen steadily. This has led to the rise of students studying abroad. In some cities in the south, the number of high school students studying abroad to study abroad accounts for 70% to 80% of all overseas students. There are many reasons why the heat of studying abroad for high school students rises. Some people get rich first, and paying the children hundreds of thousands of yuan a year to study abroad is no problem. Second, the pressure for domestic studies and employment competition has increased. Middle school students have to face fierce competition in the middle school entrance examinations and college entrance examinations. A large number of parents are worried that if they fail to attend key middle schools, they will be unable to pass a good university and eventually affect employment and future. Third, the education market is internationalized and foreign schools are optimistic about the Chinese market. With the approaching of the college entrance examination, there are obviously more parents consulting children for studying abroad. Studying abroad has become a very glamorous thing, and it has slowly become a mainstream choice for students and parents. This time, “Laowai” is bad and it is so easy to earn money from students. In the past two years, this foreign school has followed up with a gust of wind. In the newspaper and on the Internet, this advertisement is overwhelming. Parents who have taken up a gluten, regardless of whether he is 3721 or 7217, anyway, our children need to go abroad. We usually take care of our parents when we are afraid.
目的 :探讨防止体外冲击波碎石 ( ESWL)治疗巨大肾结石后发生石街的方法。方法 :采用 ESWL结合预置 Dormia支架的方法治疗巨大肾结石 15例。结果 :全部患者术后均未发生嵌顿
全等是图形之间的一种特殊关系 .近年来 ,有关全等形的开放性试题在中考中频频出现 ,为帮助同学们熟悉题型 ,掌握解题方法 ,特采撷部分中考题加以例析 ,供大家参考 .一、补充