
来源 :财会通讯 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zgrmxm
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我厂现有机组六台,总装机容量30万千瓦,是一座煤、油混烧的热电厂.我厂是黑龙江省电力企业第一批整顿试点单位.现已基本完成五项整顿工作,取得了较好的经济效果.1982年发电量完成22.2亿度,比上年增长1.1%;供热量完成93万百万大卡,比上年增长10%;供电标准煤耗率完成379克/度,比上年降低3克/度;发电厂用电率完成5.69%,比上年降低0.02%;可比电力单位成本完成30.53元/千度,比上年同期降低0.26元/千度;发生设备事故三次,比上年降低了50%,主设备完好率达到100%;辅助设备完好率达到94%;发电设备可调小时达到8,033小时.在企业全面整顿中,我们以提高济经效益为中 Our factory has six existing generating units and a total installed capacity of 300,000 kilowatts. It is a thermal power plant of coal and oil mixed burning. Our factory is the first batch of pilot units of electric power enterprises in Heilongjiang Province. It has basically completed five rectification work and achieved Better economic effect. In 1982, the power generation capacity was 2.22 billion kWh, an increase of 1.1% over the previous year; the heat supply capacity was 93 million megawatts, an increase of 10% over the previous year; and the power coal consumption rate was 379 grams/degree. Reduction of 3 g/kWh from the previous year; power plant electricity consumption rate was 5.69%, 0.02% lower than the previous year; comparable electricity unit cost was RMB 30.53/kWh, a decrease of RMB 0.26/kWh from the same period of last year; equipment accident occurred. Three times, 50% lower than the previous year, the main equipment intact rate reached 100%; the auxiliary equipment intact rate reached 94%; the power generation equipment adjustable time reached 8,033 hours. In the company’s complete rectification, we improve the efficiency of economic benefits for the
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1 概况柳钢3号高炉于1989年9月10日建成投产,2002年8月1日停炉大修,一代炉役达12年11个月,产铁291.23万吨,单位炉容产铁9517.31吨。该高炉采用大框架结构,高炉设计有效容积3
小鲻鱼填饱了肚子,在海面上等待大轮船归来。海上弥漫着大雾,这是暖流带来的大量水汽和寒流相遇后凝聚成的。小鲻鱼有些担心,它害怕大轮船迷失航向。 Small catfish fill th
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