把自己摆进去 正人先正己——广东省纪检监察机关改进作风纪实

来源 :中国监察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:an123
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“贯彻落实中央八项规定,既靠自律也靠监督,关键是深刻领会精神实质,把自己摆进去,把中央要求内化于心、外化于行,做到言必信、行必果。”今年初,中共中央政治局常委、中央纪委书记王岐山约谈派驻机构负责人时明确要求。“把自己摆进去!”这绝不仅是对派驻机构的要求,更是对全国纪检监察机关和广大纪检监察干部的要求。领会讲话精神,落实中央要求,各 “The implementation of the eight provisions of the Central Authorities depends not only on self-discipline but also on supervision. The key is to profoundly understand the essence of the spirit, put ourselves in it, internalize the Central Committee’s requirements in the heart and externalize it, Earlier this year, Wang Qishan, member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and secretary of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, explicitly asked for the appointment of the head of the agency. ”Put yourself in!" This must not only be a requirement of the stationing agencies, but also a requirement of the discipline inspection and supervision organs throughout the country and the vast number of discipline inspection and supervision cadres. Understand the spirit of speech, implement the requirements of the Central Government, and each
对职业技术教育教学目标的研究和探索,是职业技术教育实践所提出的一个新课题。在我国的教育理论研究上,这仍是空白。 十几年来,我国职业技术教育改革实践取得了令人瞩目的
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多年来,中国餐馆的英文菜单给游客带去不少欢乐。(我个人最喜欢的便是在伦敦唐人街吃到的Lion’s Head。)不过,中国政府对待英文则态度严谨。中国人对传习英语热情洋溢,他们
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