Micro catheter using Ti-Mo-Sn shape memory alloy tube

来源 :材料与冶金学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dotnetgroup
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Recently, minimally invasive surgeries using guide-wire, catheter, stent etc. have spread rapidly as the diagnosis and the medical treatment for a cancer, a disease in a circulatory organ etc. Currently, further maneuverability and functionability of those devices are strongly desired in order to be used widely and safely. Although Ti-Ni shape memory alloys have been used in medical devices such orthodontic wire, guide-wire, it has been suspected that Ni is allergenic and carcinogenic to the human body. Thus the development of Ni-free shape memory alloys has been strongly required. Recently, several Ni-free beta-titanium alloys such as Ti-Mo-Al, Ti-Mo-Ga, Ti-Nb-Al have been developed as new-type shape memory alloys. We have been studying Ti-Mo based beta-titanium alloys and Ti-Mo-Sn alloy has constantly super elasticity of 3%.The purpose of present study is to propose the micro catheter with thin wall and high flexibility using To-Mo-Sn alloys tube on the basis of its mechanical properties. Recently, minimally invasive surgeries using guide-wire, catheter, stent etc. have spread rapidly as the diagnosis and the medical treatment for a cancer, a disease in a circulatory organ etc. Currently, further maneuverability and functionability of those devices are strongly desired in order to be used widely and safely. Although Ti-Ni shape memory alloys have been used in medical devices such orthodontic wire, guide-wire, it has been suspected that Ni is allergenic and carcinogenic to the human body. Thus the development of Ni- Recently, several Ni-free beta-titanium alloys such as Ti-Mo-Al, Ti-Mo-Ga, Ti-Nb-Al have been developed as new-type shape memory alloys. has been studying Ti-Mo based beta-titanium alloys and Ti-Mo-Sn alloy has has super elasticity of 3%. The purpose of present study is to propose the micro catheter with thin wall and high flexibility using To-Mo-Sn alloys tube on the basis of its mechanical proper ties.
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研究了花岗岩磨具中的酚醛树脂、磨料和填充剂含量等,对抛光、光泽度和磨削比的影响。成功研制一种高效抛光磨具。 The effects of phenolic resin, abrasives, and filler
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