
来源 :上海口腔医学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qishikdjj
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目的:观察种植义齿修复患者应用2种不同调方式后,咬合平衡及咀嚼肌肌力的变化及其变化的相关联系,为种植修复的调提供依据。方法:筛选单侧后牙游离缺失患者20例,植入Ankylos种植体,随机分为A、B 2组。A组为原始调组,B组为咬合面降低组。分别在种植固定义齿调完成、修复后3个月、修复后6个月3个时间点,对其咬合情况及咀嚼肌肌电进行测量分析,获取咬合平衡指标和咀嚼肌平衡指标,应用SPSS18.0软件包对数据进行t检验,比较2组各指标间的变化及差异。结果:A、B 2组在修复后3个月,咬合平衡各指标的改变及咀嚼肌平衡指标的改变具有显著差异。修复后6个月,咬合平衡各指标的改变无显著差异,咀嚼肌平衡指标的改变差异显著。结论:后牙游离缺失种植修复患者,采用咬合面降低调法,能够达到接近对侧天然牙相似的咬合指标及咀嚼肌肌电指标。 OBJECTIVE: To observe the changes of occlusal balance and the muscle strength of masticatory muscles and their correlations after application of two kinds of adjustment and adjustment methods in patients undergoing implant denture restoration, so as to provide the basis for the adjustment of implant restoration. Methods: Twenty patients with unilateral defect of unilateral posterior teeth were selected and implanted with Ankylos implant. They were randomly divided into A and B 2 groups. Group A was the original tune group, Group B was occlusal plane reduction group. Respectively in the implant fixed denture  completed, 3 months after repair, 6 months after repair at 3 time points, the occlusion and masticatory muscle EMG were measured to obtain bite balance index and masticatory muscle balance index, SPSS18 .0 software package t-test data to compare the changes between the two groups of indicators and differences. Results: At 3 months after repair in group A and B 2, there were significant differences in the changes of each index of bite balance and masticatory muscle balance index. At 6 months after repair, there was no significant difference in each index of bite balance, and the difference of masticatory muscle balance index was significant. CONCLUSIONS: In the patients with posterior teeth missing and missing implants, the occlusal surface reduction and adjustment method can achieve the similar occlusal index and the EMG index of the masticatory muscles.
目的 :比较慢性根尖周病损组织和健康牙周膜组织中白细胞介素34(Interleukin-34,IL-34)的表达水平,探讨IL-34在慢性根尖周炎发病中的作用。方法 :收集25例诊断为慢性根尖周炎
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研究了花岗岩磨具中的酚醛树脂、磨料和填充剂含量等,对抛光、光泽度和磨削比的影响。成功研制一种高效抛光磨具。 The effects of phenolic resin, abrasives, and filler
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