
来源 :浙江理工大学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tianxia108
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With the growing threat of violence in the world,people have been searching for how to protect themselves.Thus,3D glass fibers(3DGF)have turned out to be the main interest of study in the wake of their essential lightweight,energy absorption as well as its distinct toughness.Many researchers have indicated that 3DGF are modern and advanced of 2D glass fiber,provide the fabric design configuration with good flexibility and contribute to the stabilization of the fabric yarn,which strengthens its mechanical property.To obtain good textile reinforced PU foam composite material with excellent impact resistance mechanical properties,in this work,3D glass fiber fabric reinforced polyurethane foam(TGFRPU)was designed.The influence of the fabric weaving structure and PU on the impact resistance performance of the TGFRPU was discussed and the possible mechanism explanation was given:Effects of the foaming agent on the morphology,structure and mechanical properties of the TGFRPU composites,and the effects of foamed microspheres on the morphology,structure and the mechanical properties of the TGFRPU composites.It provides an experimental reference for preparing the high-performance impact resistance composites.The results showed that with the increase of the foaming agent content,the impact strength of TGFRPU composite increased first and then decreased.When the foaming agent content was 5%,the impact strength can reach 73.3 KJ/m~2.With the increase of the foaming agent content,the density,compressive strength,and tensile strength of the TGFRPU composites gradually decreased.When the foaming agent content was 10%,the compressive strength was at least 2.15 MPa.When the foaming agent content was 20%,the tensile strength was at least 23.5 MPa.Moreover,the density of the composites did not change significantly when the content of the foaming agent exceeded 2%.On the whole,the increase of the foaming agent content will reduce the compressive strength of the composite material,but the material density will also be decreased so that the materials can meet the requirements of lightweight,and the foaming agent content was1%when the compressive strength was not excessively reduced.Secondly,when the foaming microspheres increase from 1%to 4%,the cells gradually become larger.It becomes large and loose,especially when the content of the foaming microsphere was 3%and 4%,the cell defects were increased,and a large number of irregular holes and collapse phenomena occurred.The density of the composite without the foaming microsphere was 0.67 g/m~3.As the content of the foaming microspheres increased,the density of the composite decreased gradually,in particular,when the foaming microsphere content increased to 3%and 4%,the material densities were 0.54 g/cm~3 and 0.46 g/cm~3,respectively,which decreased by 19.4%and 32.8%,but at the same time,the materials impact strength decreased less and could meet the requirements of light impact resistance.The density of the composites did not change significantly when the content of the foaming microsphere exceeded 2%.On the whole,the TGFRPU composites have higher compression resistance than the pristine polyurethane foam.With the increase of foaming agent and foaming microspheres content,the density,the compressive strength and the tensile strength of the TGFRPU composites gradually decrease,and the TGFRPU composite with 1wt%foaming microspheres content exhibited optimum mechanical properties of which can meet both the requirements of lightweight and the strength of the material composites.
无线传感网络(Wireless Sensor Network,WSN)是由大量低成本节点组成的、具有感知能力的分布式网络系统。作为连接信息世界与物理世界的有效媒介,WSN受到了学术界和工业界的
我国自进入21世纪后,电网发展规模逐渐扩大,大部分地区已经建成以500k V为主要网架的电网结构,1000k V特高压输电线路也正在大范围的建设中。尽管电网电压等级的提升在很大程度上提高了输电效率,但同时也增加了线路雷害事故的发生概率。有关统计数据表明:40%~70%的跳闸率都是由雷击引起的,如果变电站遭受雷击,会持续造成供电中断的现象,雷电灾害已经成为危害我国电网系统安全的首要因素。目前,特高压