Spatio-temporal Functional Neuroimaging: Opportunities and Challenges

来源 :长江2011国际医学影像物理和工程应用大会暨第六届中国医学影像物理学术年会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heermeisi
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  Brain activity is distributed over the three-dimensional volume and evolves in time.It is of importance to image dynamic brain activity with high resolution in space and time domains.Functional neuroimaging,including functional MRI and electrophysiological neuroimaging using electroencephalogram (EEG) or magnetoencephalogram,has played a significant role to advance our ability to image brain function with high spatial and temporal resolution.We will discuss the merits and challenges of electrophysiological neuroimaging integrating EEG with MRI,and review our recent development of an oscillatory source imaging methodology,which can be applied to image resting state and spontaneous brain activity.Our work indicates that the electrophysiological source imaging approach can image and localize seizure activities from noninvasive scalp EEG measurements,suggesting its potential clinical applications to aiding pre-surgical planning in epilepsy patients.We will also review the merits and challenges in multi-modal functional neuroimaging integrating electrophysiological and hemodynamic measurements.Our recent work indicates that,the BOLD functional MRI and electrophysiological data can be integrated in a principled way,leading to substantially enhanced spatiotemporal resolution for functional imaging of dynamic brain activation.Finally we will discuss co-localization of hemodynamic and electrophysiological signals associated with movement and motor imagery used in braincomputer interface applications.
疏附县乌帕尔村有座圣人墓  在离喀什市以南30多公里外的疏附县乌帕尔村,有座古老的清真寺,寺里有位老阿訇,名叫库尔班霍加。他在阅读了大量阿拉伯文献后,准备为麻赫默德·喀什噶里写一部传记。但他不知这位大学者葬于何处,找遍了喀什噶尔大大小小的麻扎,都没有结果。听说乌帕尔村有座圣人墓,库尔班霍加就常到墓前去,通过细致的考察,他推测这就是麻赫默德·喀什噶里的陵墓。结果专家们在墓室的屋檐上,发现了11世纪的
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