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党的十四届六中全会决议指出:社会主义道德建设“当前要以加强职业道德建设,纠正行业不正之风为重点”。江总书记在十五大报告中进一步指出:要“深人持久地开展以为人民服务为核心,集体主义为原则的社会主义道德教育”。党中央之所以重视社会主义道德建设,是因为它是社会 The resolution of the Sixth Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee pointed out: The socialist moral construction “is currently focused on strengthening professional ethics and correcting unhealthy trends in the industry.” General Secretary Jiang Zemin further pointed out in the report of the 15th National Congress of the People’s Republic of China: “We must deepen people’s endeavor to carry out socialist moral education with the principle of serving the people as the core and collectivism as the principle.” The reason why the Party Central Committee values ​​socialist moral construction is because it is a society.
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罗敷艳歌一九六八年四月七日小楼记否初相见?才洗征尘,柳润梅青,犹带终南岭上春。卅年回首浑如昨,夜月胧明,古渡黄昏,忘却相看雪鬓人。 Luo Fu Yan songs April 7, 1968 Sm
人参始载于《神农本草经》,《本草纲目》中又名孩儿参。为五加科植物人参 Panax ginseng C.A.Mey的干燥根 ,具有大补元气、固脱生津、安胎的功效 [1] 。近年来 ,由于对滋补品
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A continuous and dense NaA zeolite membrane was synthesized by microwave heating method while employing a multi-step seeding LTA zeolite with the average size o