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舞蹈艺术作为艺术门类中一支独特的分支在艺术发展的历史中占据着举足轻重的作用。它作为国家文化软实力的代表之一,在历史发展中呈现出多层次的表现状态,即“强势的发展状态、能对别国文化产生影响、对文化继承产生积极作用”三个方面的内容。通过三方面的分析使得我们客观认识舞蹈艺术作为国家文化软实力的重要性,为更好地从不同的视野研究它提供一个可供参考的角度。 As a unique branch of art, dance art plays a decisive role in the history of art development. As one of the representatives of the country’s cultural soft power, it presents a multi-level performance state in its historical development, that is, “a strong state of development can have an impact on other cultures and have a positive effect on cultural succession” Content. Through the analysis of three aspects, we can objectively recognize the importance of dance art as the national cultural soft power and provide a reference point for better study from different perspectives.
目的探讨妊娠合并急性胰腺炎的病因及发病机理,以提高诊治水平。方法 对收治的5例妊娠合并急性胰腺炎进行回顾性分析。结果5例妊娠合并急性胰腺炎患者均获治愈,其中4例为早、
妊高征是严重危害孕产妇健康的疾病 ,近年来白细胞介素(IL)与异常的免疫激活及内皮细胞损伤的研究愈来愈受到重视。为探讨IL— 2和IL— 8与妊高征的关系 ,我们应用放射免疫法测定 6
A series of novel thiazolidinedione-triazole hybrids were synthesized by one pot reaction between thiazolidine-2.4-dione,substituted aryl aldehydes,piopargyl br
近来有关女性生殖道中免疫活性细胞分布的报告出现了矛盾的结果 ,部分研究显示CD4 + T细胞多于CD8+ T细胞 ,另外的研究则显示CD8+ T细胞为主要亚群。该研究利用细胞刷宫颈取样技术比较
Spinel Li CoMnO4 is prepared by solid-state reaction and its magnetic properties are comprehensively studied by direct current(DC) and alternating current(AC) s
Chiral enediynes with pendant chiral amino ester groups are synthesized through Sonogashira reactions and subjected to thermal triggered Bergman cyclization at
投资与合作澳公司与中国湖南煤层气公司签署产品分成合同合作意向书澳大利亚著名的煤层气生产公司达特能源公司(Dad Energy)3月1日称,该公司与中国湖南省煤层气公司和香港繁