
来源 :婚育与健康 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:amaozh
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在历代房事文献中,对男女两性生活有不少精辟的论述,有的至今仍然具有现实指导意义或较高的参考价值。但囿于当时的历史条件和科学水平,其中也有若干内容是不可取的。下面就历代房事理论的得与失谈些个人的肤浅看法。从有利有得的方面看,历代房事理论最突出的有如下几点: 第一,充分肯定了性生活是健康成年男女的正常需要,如《礼记》所说:“饮食男女,人之大欲存焉。”谁都知道,民以食为天,饮食乃人们日常生活之所需,是不可或缺的,然而 In the historical archives, there are quite a few incisive expositions on the sex life of men and women, and some still have realistic guiding significance or high reference value. However, due to the historical conditions and scientific level at that time, some of them were not desirable. Below on the history of housing theory of gain and loss of some personal superficial view. From the perspective of favorable and favorable aspects, the most prominent aspects of the theory of housing affairs in various dynasties are as follows: Firstly, it is fully affirmed that sexual life is a normal requirement for healthy adult men and women. As the Book of Rites puts it, “eating men and women Want to save Yan. ”" Everyone knows that people eat food, diet is the daily needs of people, is indispensable, however
曾有人指出,血管老化是衰老的标志,亦即衰老始于血管的老化,从科学角度出发,这种认识是很有道理的。 血管的生理发育完全约在20岁左右,此时的血管柔韧而富有弹性,完全适合机
有些中老年妇女绝经后性生活面临一系列尴尬问题,性交疼痛、尿失禁、性欲减低,甚至子宫脱垂,但一些人却有更多的性兴趣和性快感,妇产科专家告诉人们—— 随着绝经,妇女的性
卫生巾的秘密 “无意间我更换了一个卫生巾的品牌,本想用用看,结果没两天却出现了瘙痒、红肿等过敏现象,怎么会这样呢?为什么常用的卫生巾我竟一点不了解它?” 什么原因导致