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去年岁末,中央经济工作会议首次将旅游业确定为国民经济新的经济增长点,这既是阶段性地总结我国改革开放20年来旅游业的辉煌历史,也是我国现阶段社会经济发展的新要求。第一,国际旅游快速发展,将使旅游业成长为我国对外开放的先导产业,因此,旅游业发展架起沟通国际间交流的金桥,把对外经济、文化、科技、投资等交流活动引向深入,进而促进“外向带动战略”的实施。经过20年的发展,我国旅游业在国际市场上已具有相当的地位和竞争优势。1998年,旅游创汇 At the end of last year, the Central Economic Work Conference identified tourism for the first time as a new economic growth point of the national economy. This not only summarizes the glorious history of tourism in our country in the past 20 years since the reform and opening up but also the new requirements for the social and economic development in our country at this stage. First, the rapid development of international tourism will enable tourism to grow into a pioneering industry for opening up to the outside world. Therefore, the development of tourism will be geared to communicate with other countries in the world. Jinqiao will deepen exchanges in foreign economy, culture, science and technology, and investment , And then promote the implementation of “outward-oriented strategy ”. After 20 years of development, China’s tourism industry has enjoyed a considerable position and competitive advantage in the international market. In 1998, tourism earned foreign exchange
中国国际汽车零部件博览会是中国政府为适应汽车产销大国需要而搭建的自主的、满足国内外配套、售后市场需求的国际化、专业化平台。展览周期为每年一届,展出面积为70 000平
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分析《中国图书馆分类法》电子版的功能设计和数据格式,详细介绍电子版的结构和功能,对电子版的意义进行了评价。 This paper analyzes the functional design and data for
在激波管上进行了气相十氢萘/空气混合物的着火延迟测量,着火温度为950-1395 K,着火压力为1.82×105-16.56×105Pa,化学计量比分别为0.5、1.0和2.0.在侧窗处利用反射激波压力