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就业是民生之本。积极促进就业和再就业,事关人民群众的根本利益,事关海南州改革发展稳定的大局,既是一个重大的经济问题,也是一个重大的政治问题,而且对我们这样一个正处在加快发展的少数民族地区有着特殊而重大的意义。当前,由于我州经济总量小,经济和社会发展缓慢,就业服务体系建设滞后,劳动力供大于求的矛盾突出,在今后较长的一个时期内,就业形势仍然十分严峻。可以说,就业已成为事关经济发展以及全面建设小康社会的制约因素。研究剩余劳动力和就业问题是一个深刻而又迫切的话题。一、基本情况近年来,我州各级党政部门认真贯彻一系列促进就业和再就业的政策措施,加强领导,狠抓落实,就业 Employment is the foundation of people's livelihood. Active promotion of employment and reemployment, which is related to the fundamental interests of the people and the general interest of reform, development and stability in Hainan Province, is not only a major economic issue but also a major political issue. In addition, it is also a major political issue that we are facing at accelerating development Minority areas have a special and significant meaning. At present, due to the small total economy, slow economic and social development, the employment service system has lagged behind and the contradiction between labor supply and demand exceeds prominence. In a long time in the future, the employment situation is still very grim. It can be said that employment has become a constraint on economic development and building an overall well-to-do society. Studying the issue of surplus labor and employment is a profound and urgent topic. First, the basic situation In recent years, the party and government departments at all levels in our state conscientiously implement a series of policies and measures to promote employment and reemployment, strengthen leadership, pay close attention to the implementation, employment
在薪酬分配缺乏科学性的企业,员工的工作潜能只能发挥出20%-30%,而另外70%-80%潜能的发挥,有赖于科学的薪酬分配体系。 In the absence of a scientific enterprise, the work p
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解分式方程的基本思想是去分母化成整式方程,同学们最常用的方法是在方程的两边同乘以最简公分母,从而达到去分母的目的,其实,去分母有许多巧妙的方法,利用这些方法常常可以使解题过程简化,达到快速求解的目的,下面举例说明,相信会对同学们有所启发。 本文为全文原貌 未