A Pragmatic Analysis of Presupposition in Perfume Advertisements

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  【Abstract】Advertisement is ubiquitous and it plays a crucial role as a special form of communication in people’s daily life. By means of the advertising language, advertisers aim to persuade them to take purchasing actions. Besides, pragmatic presupposition is adopted widely by advertisers as an effective linguistic device to convey the implied information to consumers and to exaggerate the persuasive effect of the advertising language. Chanel No.5 as the most potent symbol of the luxurious simplicity for which Chanel is renowned. Therefore, I am going to analyse presupposition in Chanel No.5 perfume advertising language from the pragmatic perspective, trying to explain why pragmatic presupposition is adopted by the advertisers and elaborate the functions of pragmatic presupposition in perfume advertising language.
  【Key words】pragmatic presupposition; perfume advertisements
  Yule(2000) proposes to study presupposition in communication. According to him, it is not the simple words and phrases but the assumptions made by the speakers that carry presupposition. Through reading magazines and searching websites, the author collects some data about Chanel No.5 perfume advertisements. The author finds that as for the pragmatic presupposition adopted in the collected data, the Chanel No.5 perfume advertisers have a preference for factive presupposition. Factive presupposition is adopted to ensure the reliability of the advertised information, based on customers’ psychological tendency.
  Here are some examples:
  Example 1
  I wear nothing but a few drops of Chanel No.5.
  - Marilyn Monroe-Chanel No.5
  In the 1950s the glamour of Chanel No. 5 was reignited by the celebrity of Marilyn Monroe. Monroe’s unsolicited endorsement of the fragrance provided invaluable publicity. In a 1954 interview, when asked what she wore to bed, the movie star provocatively responded: “Just a few drops of Chanel No. 5.” This advertisement is a typical kind of factive presupposition and presupposes the fact that the perfume is as essential as the life necessity, pyjamas. The advertisers put forward this presupposition by presenting Marilyn Monroe’s subjective assertion. Whether the assertion is true or not, it plays a vital role in the context. That is to say, the perfume plays an important role in one’s fashion sense and personal charisma, just like one’s necessities.
  Example 2
  Every woman alive wants Chanel No. 5.
  - Vogue and Bazaar-Chanel No.5   The above example is a kind of factive presupposition, and it states the fact implicitly that every woman alive wants Chanel No. 5. In the 1960s the glossy fashion magazines such as Vogue and Bazaar presented Chanel No. 5 as a required accessory to every woman’s femininity. The target customers of Chanel No.5 are women who are longing for a better self and tend to purchase something that will polish and beautify their lives. By adopting factive presupposition, the advertiser conveys his firm belief of the perfume’s attraction and his strong passion for the perfume’s magical power. The small technique successfully arouses customers’ interests and expectation towards the perfume. If you have this new perfume, you just grasp a chance for holding what others desire to own, which can improve customers’ sense of superiority over other people. Therefore, this presupposition impacts on customers’ choice.
  Example 3
  Has she forgotten? I know I will not. Her kiss, her smile, her perfume.
  -Rodrigo Santoro-Chanel No.5
  This advertisement appears in a two-minute ad starring Nicole Kidman and Rodrigo Santoro. Nicole Kidman runs away in a pink dress in the middle of Times Square in New York City, only to get into a cab with the one man who does not know who she is. Later on, Rodrigo Santoro says that has she forgotten? He knows he will not forget her kiss, her smile and her perfume. This is also a piece of factive presupposition presented by Rodrigo Santoro who points out that he will never forget the fragrance which can indicate how charming and unforgettable Chanel No.5 is and how memorable the experience about Chanel No.5 is. This advertisement presupposes that the memory connected with the unknown woman will be aroused by the smell, by the fragrance, by Chanel No.5.
  To sum up, a effective presupposition in advertisement can make customers attracted by the product and can avoid repugnance at the same time. Pragmatic presupposition is a popular way for advertisers to convey persuasive information concisely, effectively and implicitly. Perfume advertisers can make full use of all kinds of pragmatic presupposition based on different style of the advertised perfume and different targeted customers to achieve their persuasive goals effectively.
【摘要】英语是通用语言,在学习、生活以及工作中都有较高的实用性。小学英语教学中从其实用性角度考虑,教师重视从“听说读写”四个方面提高学生英语能力,并注意与生活紧密结合,增加学生学习和运用英语的体验,达到强化学习效果的目的。本文则以读写结合策略为主进行探讨,分析读写结合教学的具体模式。  【关键词】小学英语;读写结合;策略  【作者简介】汤梦娟,江苏省沭阳县第二实验小学。  前言  目前,小学英语教
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【摘要】文章通过分析高职英语教学评价体系中存在的主要问题,对形成性评价在高职英语教学中的实践运用提出“提高对形成性评价的有效认识”、“开展好学生对自身及相互间的评价”、“开展好教师对学生的评价”等对策,旨在为如何促进高职英语教学的顺利开展研究适用提供一些思路。  【关键词】形成性评价;高职英语;实践运用  引言  长期以来,英语均是我国教育教学中的一大重点,这在高职教育中亦是如此,而如何去对学生的
【摘要】本文选择了两篇关于杨必译《名利场》的翻译批评进行对比,旨在探讨客体相同、但主体不同的翻译批评之间相似及不同之处,分析不同主体的翻译批评会产生怎样不同的内容。  【关键词】翻译批评;对比;《名利场》  【作者简介】李潇骁(1990-),女,汉族,浙江舟山人,上海立信会计金融学院,助教,硕士研究生,研究方向:翻译。  杨必译《名利场》历来被视为译作经典,有很多人对这部作品进行赏析和批评。但是,
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【摘要】较长时期以来,英语课语言点的教学效果不尽如人意,课堂上老师尽情尽力,学生却常常意兴阑珊。原因应是教学内容的相对陈旧和教学方法的老套落后。而课堂上老师利用“小伎俩”骗使学生即兴背诵优秀段落或优美句型,在长时间的实践与操作过程中,笔者发现这种做法既能激发学生学习语言点的热情,又能调动学生的积极性、主动性,使本单调枯燥的语言点课堂变得高效、充实,甚至学生很期待上下一单元。  【关键词】即时背诵;