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课例“三角函数的积化和差”是江苏省泗阳中学的陈冰、张雪明老师试用“发现式数学教学模式”所上的一堂实验课 .课例的全文发表在本刊 2 0 0 1年第 3期上 .本期 ,我们以大篇幅集中刊登关于这篇课例的点评 ,这组文章是从全国各地的数百篇自由来稿中挑选出来的 ,其观点具有一定的代表性 .我们高兴地看到 ,参与这次点评的 ,不仅有中学的数学教师和教研人员 ,而且还有大专院校的专家、教授和研究生导师 .这说明“课例大家评”已经受到了从中学到大学的数学教育工作者的普遍关注和厚爱 .教学个案研究是一个很有实际意义的教研选题 ,“课例大家评”是我刊结合杂志特点推出的一种可让读者广泛参与的大群体性的教研活动形式 .在编发几组“大家评”文稿中 ,我们深深感到 ,这里实话实说 ,是一块纯美的教研争鸣园地 ,同时 ,也是广大数学教师岗位进修的极好课堂 .我们希望广大读者能进一步关注这一专栏 ,并继续支持和帮助我们办好这一专栏 .我们向参与这次点评的所有作者表示感谢 .同时也向陈冰和张雪明老师表示感谢 ,是他们为我们提供了一篇很有特色和点评价值的课例 The lesson case “Production and Difference of Trigonometric Functions” is an experimental class on the “Discovery Mathematics Teaching Model” by teachers Chen Bing and Zhang Xueming from Shuyang Middle School in Jiangsu Province. The full text of the class examples is published in this issue. 2 0 1 In the third issue of this issue, we have published reviews of this lesson in a large format. This series of articles was selected from hundreds of free contributions from all over the country. Its views are representative. I was pleased to see that not only the mathematics teachers and teaching staff of the secondary school, but also the experts, professors, and graduate tutors of the universities and colleges participated in this review. This shows that the “Classroom Assessment” has been learned from the university. The general concern and love of mathematics educators is very important. The teaching case study is a very practical teaching and research topic. “Classroom assessment” is a large group of people that can be widely participated by the readers. The teaching and research activities in the form. In the preparation of several sets of “comment” comments, we deeply feel that the truth here is a purely educational and research controversy. At the same time, it is also the entry of the majority of mathematics teachers. Excellent class for repairs. We hope that readers can pay more attention to this column and continue to support and help us to manage this column. We thank all the writers who participated in this review. We also indicated to teachers Chen Bing and Zhang Xueming. Thanks, they provided us with a very unique and commentary lesson.
1 熟悉难度设置 ,防止心理失分1 1 历年高考试题难度 :1 993、1 994两年的难度强调由易到难 ;1 995、1 996两年的难度不再严格由低到高 ,在后三题出现一“难题平台” ,共同
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原子和原子核物理学是研究原子和原子核内部结构和运动规律的科学 ,对于认识物质微观结构 ,揭示物质世界的本质 ,进一步学习现代化科学技术 ,进行辩证唯物主义教育、发展科学
因为数列可看作一个定义域为自然数集(或它的有限子集{1,2,3…,n})的函数当自变量从小到大依次取值时对应的一列函数值,所以体现数列的某些项、前n 项和的运动变化性态的不