Relationship between Crustal 3D Density Structure and the Earthquakes in the Longmenshan Range and A

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a619906915
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This paper presents the 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan range and adjacent areas,with constraints from seismic and density data.The density structure of crust shows that the immense boundary plane of density distribution in relation to the Longmeshan fault belt is extended downward to~80 km deep.This density boundary plane dips towards the northwest and crosses the Moho.With the proximity to the Longmenshan fault belt,it has a larger magnitude of undulation in the upper and middle crust levels.Density changes abruptly across Longmeshan fault belt.Seismic data show that most of the earthquakes in the Longmenshan area after the 2008 M_s8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake occurred within the upper to middle crust.These earthquakes are clearly distributed in the uplifted region of the basement.A few of them occurs in the transitional zone between the uplifted and subsided areas.But most of the earthquakes distributes in transitional zone from subsided to uplifted areas in the upper and middle crust where relatively large density changes occurr The 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan and adjacent areas can thus help us to understand the pattern of overthrusting from the standpoint of deep crust and where the earthquakes occurred. This paper presents the 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan range and adjacent areas, with constraints from seismic and density data. The density structure of crust shows that the immense boundary plane of density distribution in relation to the Longmeshan fault belt is extended downward to ~ 80 km deep. This density boundary plane dips towards the northwest and crosses the Moho. With the proximity to the Longmenshan fault belt, it has a larger magnitude of undulation in the upper and middle crust levels. Density changes abruptly across Longmeshan fault belt. Seismic data show that most of the earthquakes in the Longmenshan area after the 2008 M_s8.0 Wenchuan Earthquake occurred within the upper to middle crust. These earthquakes are clearly distributed in the uplifted region of the basement .A few of them occurs in the transitional zone. between the uplifted and subsided areas.But most of the earthquakes distributes in transitional zone from subsided to uplifted areas in the upper and middle crust where relatively large density changes occurr The 3D density structure of crust in the Longmenshan and adjacent areas may therefore help us to understand the pattern of overthrusting from the standpoint of deep crust and where the earthquakes occurred.
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