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Fully homomorphic encryption is faced with two problems now.One is candidate fully homomorphic encryption schemes are few.Another is that the efficiency of fully homomorphic encryption is a big question.In this paper,we propose a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on LWE,which has better key size.Our main contributions are:(1) According to the binary-LWE recently,we choose secret key from binary set and modify the basic encryption scheme proposed in Linder and Peikert in 2010.We propose a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on the new basic encryption scheme.We analyze the correctness and give the proof of the security of our scheme.The public key,evaluation keys and tensored ciphertext have better size in our scheme.(2) Estimating parameters for fully homomorphic encryption scheme is an important work.We estimate the concert parameters for our scheme.We compare these parameters between our scheme and Bra 12 scheme.Our scheme have public key and private key that smaller by a factor of about logq than in Bra12 scheme.Tensored ciphertext in our scheme is smaller by a factor of about log2 q than in Bra 12 scheme.Key switching matrix in our scheme is smaller by a factor of about log3 q than in Bra 12 scheme. Fully homomorphic encryption is faced with two problems now.One is candidate fully homomorphic encryption schemes are few. Another is that the efficiency of fully homomorphic encryption is a big question.In this paper, we propose a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on LWE, which has better key size. Our main contributions are: (1) According to the binary-LWE recently, we choose secret key from binary set and modify the basic encryption scheme proposed in Linder and Peikert in 2010. We propose a fully homomorphic encryption scheme based on the new basic encryption scheme. We analyze the correctness and give the proof of the security of our scheme. The public key, evaluation keys and tensored ciphertext have better size in our scheme. (2) Estimating parameters for fully homomorphic encryption scheme is an important work.We estimate the concert parameters for our scheme.We compare these parameters between our scheme and Bra 12 scheme.Our scheme have public key and private key that smaller by a factor of about logq than in Bra12 scheme.Tensored ciphertext in our scheme is smaller by a factor of about log2 q than in Bra 12 scheme. Key switching matrix in our scheme is smaller by a factor of about log3 q than in Bra 12 scheme .
摘 要: 国际化的深入对中国的教育,尤其是外语教育提出了挑战。本文分析了我国外语教育的概况,展示了我国外语教育相较于过去的进步和变化。同时揭示了国际化对我国外语教育的挑战,反映了我国外语教育创新的趋势,为外语的教育者和研究者提供了一定借鉴和研究的素材。  关键词: 国际化 外语教育 创新教育  当今世界,国际化的趋势已经越来越明显。教育,尤其是外语教育,在全球化的一环中扮演了重要角色。1977年恢
摘 要: 随着教育制度和素质教育的推进,新课标要求优化课堂教育,对小学数学教学进行改革,在提高小学数学教学效率和质量的基础上减轻学生的学习负担。目前,小学生学习负担过重,没有时间培养自己的个性,有的地方甚至是学校、老师、家长共同给学生压力,学生负担过重的现象并没有得到有效控制。为了有效实现小学数学的减负,需要数学教师通过有效途径提高数学教学质量,课堂习题应该做到精讲讲练,为学生创造更多时间进行复习
摘 要: 数学课堂教学的有效性,是指通过课堂教学使学生在知识技能、数学思考、解决问题、情感与态度等方面获得协调发展,有效实现预期的教学目标。“有效的课堂”是教育实践者的不懈追求。  关键词: 小学数学课堂教学 有效性 解读教材 情境创设 主动学习  苏霍姆林斯基曾说:“如果学生在掌握知识的道理上,没有迈出哪怕是小小的一步,那对他来说,这是一堂无益的课。无效的劳动是每个教师和学生都面临的最大的潜在危
摘 要: 本文采用问卷调查的方法,考察中国英语学习者的语音学习策略,并从以下几个方面和中外两个研究进行比较:受试者最常使用的策略、词重音、如何解决发音中的语音问题、对学习环境的要求、母语和国际音标在语音学习中的作用等。研究发现,和移民学习者相比,“调整口腔肌肉”是中国英语学习者最常使用的语音策略之一,另外,“发错即刻纠正”、“不会发音时求助 ”和“发音时模仿本族人”三项策略是中外学习者使用频率最多