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随着我国电子工业的飞速发展,特别是近几年来,我国半导体器件和电路往微波、大功率、低噪声和超高速、大规模集成方向的巨大飞跃,作为制造半导体器件和集成电路的基础和重要工艺之一的光刻掩模制作技术越来越受到人们的重视。 今年三月,我们照相制版调查小组受四机部半导体情报网的委托,走访和参观学习了网内外一些半导体厂、所的照相制版组。通过调查我们感到,经过伟大的无产阶级文化大革命和批林批孔运动战斗洗礼的我国电子工业战线上的广大工人、革命干部和技术人员,阶级斗争和路线斗争觉悟不断提高,通过反击右倾翻案风的伟大斗争,进一步激发了他们的革命干劲,为电子工业尽快赶上和超过世界先进水平作出了很大的贡献。其中,半导体制版技术也取得可喜的进展。我们此次调查是在全国人民以阶级斗争为纲,掀起轰轰烈烈的工业学大庆的群众运动中进行的。我们所到之处革命、生产形势一派大好,首先使我们受到了一次深刻的路线斗争教育,同时、也学习到兄弟单位的好思想、好作风、好经验。 现将我们调查情况作一小结,向同志们汇报如下。 With the rapid development of China’s electronics industry, especially in recent years, China’s semiconductor devices and circuits to microwave, high power, low noise and ultra-high-speed, large-scale integration of a huge leap forward, as the basis for the manufacture of semiconductor devices and integrated circuits and One of the important process of lithography mask making technology more and more people’s attention. In March this year, our phototypesetting investigation team was commissioned by the Semiconductor Information Network of the Ministry of Machine Building, visited and visited some phototypesetters of some semiconductor factories in and outside the network. Through our investigation, we feel that the vast numbers of workers, revolutionary cadres and technical personnel in our country’s electronic industrial front battled and battled by the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution and the pro-Lin campaign have continuously raised their awareness of class struggle and the route struggle. The great struggle further stimulated their revolutionary drive and made great contributions to the rapid development of the electronics industry to catch up with and surpass the world’s advanced level. Among them, the semiconductor plate making technology also made gratifying progress. Our survey was carried out in the mass movement carried out by the people throughout the country in the name of class struggle and the vigorous industrialization of Daqing. The revolution we have made and the excellent production situation make us first of all have a profound education in the course of the struggle but also learn the good ideas, good work style and good experience of our fraternal units. Now we make a brief summary of the investigation and report it to our comrades as follows.
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