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今年是改革开放30周年,是四川省广安市建市10周年,也是广安奋力爬坡的发展关键期、跨越发展的黄金机遇期。在这个非同寻常的年头,从沿海到内地,从东部到西部,全国各地掀起了新的建设高潮。回首三十年,广安和全国一样,是解放思想,探索前进的三十年;回首十年,广安和全国一样,是科学发展,奋力发展的十年。广安作为改革开放总设计师邓小平的故乡,近年来,特别是建区设市以来,经济持续快速增长,改革开放不断深入,人民生活水平显著提高,正步入全面建设小康社会的崭新历史时期。 This year marks the 30th anniversary of the reform and opening up and the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the city of Guang'an in Sichuan Province. It is also a golden period of opportunity for the development of Guang'an, which is struggling to climb the hill. In this extraordinary year, from the coastal areas to the interior and from the east to the west, new upsurges of construction have been set across the country. Looking back on the past 30 years, like other parts of the country, Guang'an is emancipating its minds and exploring the way forward for 30 years. In the first decade of its review, like other parts of the country, Guang'an is a decade of scientific development and struggling for development. As the hometown of Deng Xiaoping, chief architect of the reform and opening up policy, Guang'an has entered a brand new historical period of building a moderately prosperous society in all its aspects. In particular, since its establishment as a city, Guang'an has enjoyed sustained and rapid economic growth, deepened its reform and opening up, and markedly improved people's living standards.
【正】 The export of erythromycin thiocyanatein China has maintained a sustained increasein the past three years.In 2008 and2009,in particular,the export growth
1 引言土壤酶是土壤代谢的动力,对推动生态系统的能量流动和物质转化过程产生重要作用。土壤酶来源于土壤中的植物、微生物和动物等有机体,而土壤的理化因素又影响着酶的活
运用劳动关系的系统理论 ,分析了处于经济体制改革时期的中国职业安全卫生体系 ,并且从实证的角度阐述了中国工业化对职业安全卫生的影响。最后 ,提出了几点建议。 Using th
目的 在Ⅰ期临床研究中,观察注射用康普瑞丁磷酸二钠(CA4P)对晚期实体瘤的安全性,确定最大耐受量(MTD).方法 采用单中心、开放式、单臂、剂量递增的研究方法,入选患者接受的C
Unisys公司宣布在业内首家推出一种采用Intel公司Pentium Pro处理器、操作系统选用Windows NT的12处理器服务器产品。 Unisys的Aquanta XR/6同时也可能是最后一批采用Pentiu