
来源 :河南诊断与治疗杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sms126
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我院自1998年6月~1998年9月对364例具有上消化道症状小儿进行纤维胃镜检查,其中经胃镜及尿素酶试验、粘膜组织染色检查诊断为幽门螺杆菌(以下简称HP)相关性慢性胃炎142例,现将其胃镜及病理报告如下。1对象及方法11对象142例系我院门诊或住... Our hospital from June 1998 to September 1998 on 364 cases of children with upper gastrointestinal symptoms of gastroscopy, which by gastroscopy and urease test, mucosal staining examination diagnosed as Helicobacter pylori (hereinafter referred to as HP) correlation 142 cases of chronic gastritis, gastroscopy and pathology now report as follows. 1 objects and methods 1  1 object 142 cases of our hospital or live ...
Accurate diagnosis of Helicobacter pylori(H. pylori) infection is a crucial part in the effective management of many gastroduodenal diseases. Several invasive a
AIM: To investigate local corticosterone production and angiotensin-Ⅰ converting enzyme(ACE) protein expression and their interaction in healthy and inflamed i
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Kupffer cells play a central role in the pathogenesis of alcoholic hepatitis(AH). It is believed that alcohol increases the gut permeability that results in rai
在概括云计算基本原理及其特点的基础上,探讨了云计算技术的发展带给网络信息资源开发与利用的新模式,分析了此模型的理论价值与实际意义。 On the basis of summarizing th
AIM: To evaluate the pain relieving effect of intervention with “Lamaze method of colonoscopy” in the process of colonoscopy.METHODS: Five hundred and eighty-