
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sky_fly2005
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目前,我国农村小学校点布局的现状是:中心小学——基点小学——一般村小——教学点四级宝塔形结构。中心小学、基点小学为完小,村小和教学点一般只设小学低年级;中心小学对其它层次校点来说居于指导地位。这种布局的突出特点是办学分散。分散的结果,方便了适龄儿童就近入学,有利于提高小学普及率,但也存在着严重的弊端。随着国家计划生育政策的推行、生源的减少,这些弊端就愈来愈明显。第一,分散布局有碍于提高教育质量。提高教育质量的关键在于有一支合格而稳定的教师队伍,而分散的校点布局,恰恰不利于这样一支队伍的形成。首先,分散布局不利于教师队伍的稳定。由于地理条件和其它客观原因,决定了大量的村小地处偏僻,交通不便,办学条件十分简陋,多数教师不愿在村小工作或长期工作。已在村小工作的,千方百计想要离开,大多数有经验的骨干教师往往会被有关部门按照不尽合理的 At present, the current situation of the distribution of primary schools in rural areas in our country is: Central Elementary School - Primary School Primary School - General Village Small - Teaching Point Four-stage pagoda structure. Central primary school, basic primary school for the small, small village and teaching points are generally only the lower primary school; Central Primary School for other levels of school living in the guiding position. The prominent feature of this layout is decentralized school. Scattered results facilitate the school-age children near the school, is conducive to improving the penetration rate of primary schools, but there are also serious drawbacks. With the implementation of the national family planning policy and the reduction of students, these drawbacks have become increasingly apparent. First, the fragmented layout hinders the improvement of education quality. The key to improving the quality of education is to have a qualified and stable teaching staff, while the scattered school layout is not conducive to the formation of such a team. First of all, the decentralized layout is not conducive to the stability of the teaching staff. Due to geographical conditions and other objective reasons, a large number of villages and small villages are determined to be remote and inaccessible. The conditions for running schools are very poor. Most teachers are reluctant to work small or long in the village. Small work in the village, do everything possible to want to leave, most experienced backbone teachers tend to be unreasonable by the relevant departments
中国文物信息咨询中心与中国拍卖行业协会将于10月下旬联合举办2009年度申报第一类文物拍卖资质企业专业人员考试。特刊登其考试范围,以帮助应试人员做好考试准备 China Cul