Schistosoma japonicum infection induces macrophage polarization

来源 :The Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caomao8000
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The role of macrophages(Mφ)as the first line of host defense is well accepted.These cells play a central role in orchestrating crucial functions during schistosomal infection.Thus,understanding the functional diversity of these cells in the process of infection as well as the mechanisms underlying these events is crucial for developing disease control strategies.In this study,we adopted a Mφpolarization recognition system.Ml macrophage was characterized by expressing CD16/32,IL-12 and iNOS.M2 macrophage was characterized by expressing CD206,IL-10 and arg-1.In vivo(mouse peritoneal macrophages of different infection stages were obtained)and in vitro(different 5.japonicum antigens were used to stimulate RAW264.7)were characterized by using the above mentioned system.NCA and ACA stimulated RAW264.7 express significantly higher levels of IL-12 while significantly higher levels of IL-10 were detected after soluble egg antigen(SEA)stimulation.The results showed that dramatic changes of antigen in the microenvironment before and after egg production led to macrophage polarization.Furthermore,through TLR blocking experiments,the TLR4 signaling pathway was found to play a role in the process of macrophage polarization toward Ml.Our data suggest that macrophage polarization during S.japonicum infection had significant effects on host immune responses to S.japonicum. The role of macrophages (Mφ) as the first line of host defense is well accepted. The cells play a central role in orchestrating crucial functions during schistosomal infection .hus, understanding the functional diversity of these cells in the process of infection as well as the mechanisms underlying these events is crucial for developing disease control strategies.In this study, we adopted a Mφpolarization recognition system. M1 macrophage was characterized by expressing CD16 / 32, IL-12 and iNOS.M2 macrophage was characterized by expressing CD206, IL-10 and arg-1. In vivo (mouse peritoneal macrophages of different infection stages were obtained) and in vitro (different 5. japonicum antigens were used to stimulate RAW 264.7) were characterized by using the above mentioned system. NCA and ACA stimulated RAW264. 7 express significantly higher levels of IL-12 while significantly higher levels of IL-10 were detected after soluble egg antigen (SEA) stimulation. The results showed that dramatic changes of ant igen in the microenvironment before and after egg production led to macrophage polarization. Hotmore, through TLR blocking experiments, the TLR4 signaling pathway was found to play a role in the process of macrophage polarization toward Ml. Our data suggest that macrophage polarization during S. japonicum infection had significant effects on host immune responses to S. japonicum.
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