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散戏时听观众的议论最有趣,这是毫无造作的“天籁”。曲剧《珍妃泪》散场时,我挤在人群中一步一蹭地朝外走,耳朵里就灌进不少“天籁”。观众议论纷纷,这是多么可喜的现象!最怕一声不吱,哄然而散,如北京俗话所云“淡着你”;我以为这是一种顶厉害的批评。《珍妃泪》的演出给观众留下了印象,我自己的感触也很多。记得北京刚解放,我还穿着蓝布大褂,就在东安市场看曲艺艺人“反串”的《新探亲家》。这是在曲艺后面加演的一出小戏,也可能是第一次把曲艺变成了曲剧。虽则粗糙,但艺人饱满的政治热情和大胆的创新精神,给人印象很深。转眼三十年,曲剧已成为有广泛群众基础、能演大型历史剧的新兴剧种。说也奇怪,有些大剧种曲高和寡,甚至发展前途都成问题,而曲剧却是方兴未艾,这岂不令人深思! 曲剧的主要特点是:历史短、形式自由,没陈规旧套。演员的嗓子一般都好,演唱技术有深厚的基础。其曲调以流行于清代的牌子曲为主,曲牌很多,有的可上溯到明末流行的民歌。据说早年有彩唱八角鼓,或是曲剧的先声。从它历年演出的剧目看,它擅演现代戏和新编历史剧。记得《新探亲家》演后,曾演《刘巧团圆》、《大家喜欢》、《婚姻自由》等现代戏。老舍先生专为曲剧编写的《柳树井》演出受到北京观众的热烈欢迎。招弟唱的(四板腔),传唱一时。它还演出过 Listen to the audience when talking about the most interesting game, this is no making “Teana.” When the drama “Zhen Fei Tears” ended in public, I crowded out in the crowd step by step toward the outside, and my ears filled with many “sounds of nature.” Audiences have talked about, this is how gratifying! The most afraid of the unspeakable, coax and scattered, such as Beijing’s saying goes, “light you”; I think this is a terrible criticism. The performance of “Zhen Fei Tears” impressed the audience, and my own feelings were numerous. I remember Beijing just liberated, I also wear a blue coat, to see the art market in Dongan artists “anti-string” “new visit relatives.” This is a small drama added behind the folk art, it may be the first time into a folk opera. Although rough, the artist’s full of political enthusiasm and bold innovation are impressive. In the blink of an eye, the musical drama has become a new type of drama capable of playing a large historical drama with a broad mass base. Strange to say, some of the major operas are highbrow and even future development are problems, but the drama is in the ascendant, is this not thought-provoking! The main features of the opera are: history is short, free form, out of print. The performer’s throat is generally good, singing technology has a deep foundation. Its melody is popular in the Qing Dynasty brand song, a lot of songs, and some can be traced back to the late Ming popular folk song. It is said that there are Choi Yau Choi drums early in life, or the first song of the opera. From its repertoire of performances over the years, it is good at modern drama and new historical drama. I remember the “new visit relatives” after the show, had played “Liu Qiao reunion”, “everyone likes”, “marriage freedom” and other modern drama. Mr. Liu La’s “Willow Tree” performance, specially written for opera, was warmly welcomed by Beijing audiences. Brothers singing (four board cavity), sing for a while. It also performed
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