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随着大跃进形势的到来和木材加工工业的发展,胶合剂在木材加工中的地位日益重要,特别是党提出木材利用综合化和大量发展人造板事业以后,生产中迫切要求性能好(主要是强度和耐水性)成本低的胶合剂。我们在党的八届八中全会的精神鼓舞下和院党委的领导下,本着科研和生产相结合的方针,进行了降低树脂胶成本和试制新胶种的研究。 With the advent of the Great Leap Forward and the development of wood processing industry, the status of cement in wood processing is becoming increasingly important. Especially after the Party proposed the comprehensive utilization of wood and the extensive development of wood-based panel business, it is urgent to demand good performance in production (mainly Strength and water resistance) low cost glue. Inspired by the spirit of the Eighth Plenary Session of the Eighth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and under the leadership of the Party Committee of the Party, we conducted a study on reducing the cost of resin glue and developing a new type of rubber based on the principle of combining scientific research with production.
BACKGROUND:Age-related macular degeneration(AM-D)is the most common cause of irreversible vision loss in the developed world.The study of a ra re mendelian form
Aridification of central Asia during late Oligocene and Early Miocene has been documented by numerous eolian records from the North Pacific and central Asia. Ho
【摘要】随着新课改的不断推进,英语学习的目标最终体现在“能用英语做事情”上,而口语交际则是英语运用中非常重要的能力。目前很多学生即使是一些考试优生在口语交际中都存在一定的障碍,作为中学老师探究如何让学生口语交际能力得以提高成了非常重要的任务。  【关键词】初中生 英语 口语交际  我所任教的学校是一所处于城乡结合部的中学,每年入学或是由于特殊情况中途转学的学生中80%或以上都是外来工子女,大多数孩
通过自由开放的、不受拘束的大脑思考,用英语所写出来的文章,称作开放性的英语作文。 Written in English through an open, unconstrained brainstorming essay called ope