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世界上总是有些地方,会让你发现这种两重性,死气沉沉、不求变化的古老城市和激进先锋、永远赶在别人前头的城市交织在一起。马尼拉就具备这种特性。20世纪50年代,菲律宾曾有过持续7%以上的经济增长率,人均国民生产总值在亚洲仅次于日本,居第二。但进入六七十年代后,由于政府的政策缺乏连续性并有严重失误,加上20世纪70年代两次世界性石油涨价的冲击,菲律宾经济发展的国内环境和国际经济环境全面恶化,经济增长率仅在1.3%-6.7%之间波动。1997年的亚洲金融危机,曾经在一定程度上影响到菲律宾经济的发展。但菲律宾受到的影响在东南亚国家中相对较小,而且从1999年起,菲律宾经济便开始恢复。《2008年菲律宾经济报告》中指出,2007年,菲律宾的GDP增长超过了7%,创31年来最高记录。作力世界上最著名的输出服务人口的国家,大量从国外汇回国内的汇款,是刺激着菲律宾经济上升的因素之一。据统计,有808万菲律宾人在世界160个国家务工,散居人数的比例占菲国总人口的近10%,每年将近百亿的美金汇回国内,为菲国经济注入新的活力。我们不置可否地感受到,马尼拉正在酝酿着某种潜力,表面混乱无力,内心却暗流涌动。 There are always places in the world that will make you discover that this dual, lifeless, unchanging ancient city and radical avant-garde are intertwined in the cities that precede others. Manila has this feature. In the 1950s, the Philippines had sustained an economic growth rate of over 7%. Its GNP per capita was the second highest in Asia after Japan. However, after the 1960s and 1970s, due to the lack of continuity and serious mistakes in government policies, coupled with the impact of the two world oil price hikes in the 1970s, the domestic environment and the international economic environment in the Philippine economy have deteriorated. The economy The rate of increase fluctuates only between 1.3% and 6.7%. The 1997 Asian financial crisis had, to a certain extent, affected the economic development of the Philippines. However, the impact on the Philippines is relatively small among Southeast Asian countries, and since 1999 the Philippine economy has started to recover. The Philippine Economic Report 2008 states that in 2007, the Philippines’ GDP grew by more than 7%, the highest in 31 years. As one of the most stimulating countries in the world to export service population, repatriation of large amounts of remittances from abroad to other countries is one of the factors stimulating the Philippine economy. According to statistics, there are 8.08 million Filipinos working in 160 countries in the world. The proportion of the diaspora in the Philippines accounts for nearly 10% of the total population in the country. Nearly 10 billion U.S. dollars are repatriated to the Mainland each year, injecting new vitality into the Philippine economy. We feel uncomplaining that Manila is brewing some kind of potential, with its surface being in a state of turmoil, with its innermost heart surging.
Pagodas,an architectural type unique to Buddhist cultures,are widely distributed over the vast land of China,available in high mountains and deep valleys,ancien
山南是藏族的发源地,由于道路与气候都相对适宜,行走难度相对减小,马帮行至这里必不会错过对几个重要地点的朝拜,山南之行更像是马帮的一段信仰之旅。 Shannan is the birth