来源 :Journal of Xi'an Medical University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Almzg_0
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Objective To express the hepatitis C virus (HCV) core gene in E . coli on a high level. Methods The cDNA coding for HCV core protein was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR product was purified and digested with restriction enzymes and inserted into the downstream of P RP L promoter of a high level expression vector pBV220 . HCV core gene was expressed in E . coli in a non fused form. The expression protein was analysed by SDS PAGE , and its immunoactivity was tested by ELISA . Results Sequence analysis of the amplified PCR products confirmed that we have successfully cloned and expresssed the intact core protein of HCV. SDS PAGE showed that a specific protein with a molecular weight of 21kDa at a level of 14.0% of the total bacterial proteins appeared in bacteria harboring pBV/HCVCore, while this protein was absent in the control bacteria harboring pBV220. The results of enzyme immunoassay analysis showed that this protein could be specifically recognized by the HCV positive sera from patients with hepatitis C .Conclusion The intact HCV core protein was successfully expressed in  E . coli  in a non fused form on a high level, and its immunoactivity was high. Methods The cDNA coding for HCV core protein was amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The PCR product was purified and digested with restriction enzymes and inserted into the downstream of P RP L promoter of a high level expression vector pBV220. HCV core gene was expressed in E. coli in a non-fused form. The expression protein was analyzed by SDS PAGE, and its immunoactivity was tested by ELISA. Results Sequence analysis of the amplified PCR products confirmed that we have successfully cloned and expressed the intact core protein of HCV. SDS PAGE showed that a specific protein with a molecular weight of 21 kDa at a level of 14.0% of the total bacterial proteins The results of enzyme immunoassay analysis showed that this protein could be specificall y recognized by the HCV positive sera from patients with hepatitis C. Confluenced The intact HCV core protein was successfully expressed in  E. coli  in a non-fused form on a high level, and its immunoactivity was high.
目的:对 C B N 进行药代动力学研究,并与毒性累积法进行比较。方法:采用荧光分光光度 法测定小鼠血浆中 C B N 的含量,采用 H P L C 法测定兔血浆中 C B N 的主要成分葛根素( P U) 和人参皂甙
目的探讨环氧合酶-2(COX-2)和Ki-67在前列腺癌中的表达以及结核菌L型感染率及临床意义。方法应用免疫组化、原位杂交和抗酸染色等方法检测了65例前列腺癌(carcinoma of prost
58.中枢性和周围性免疫耐受自身反应性 T细胞和 B细胞在成熟过程中被清除掉而引起中枢性免疫耐受。如果成熟之后再使其处于免疫不应答状态 ,则产生周围性免疫耐受。免疫耐受
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