Past and future of computing science

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mengqingwang
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The invention of computer and development of computing technology are great historical events in the twentieth century, which impact on society and the daily life of the human beings drastically. The development of computing science and technology has been one of the primary forces driving people to enter the so-called information age. This paper attempts to present some viewpoints on the past and future of computing science, system-on-chip, software and man-machine interaction, with emphasis on computing science. The invention of computer and development of computing technology are great historical events in the twentieth century, which impact on society and the daily life of the human beings drastically. The development of computing science and technology has been one of the primary forces driving people to enter the so-called information age. This paper attempts present on viewpoints on the past and future of computing science, system-on-chip, software and man-machine interaction, with emphasis on computing science.
The band conveyer driven by linear friction is a new device. It can reduce drivesize and conveyor belt tensity, and increase delivery capacity. It has feasibil
星期六早上,爸爸七点钟就叫我起床了,因为爸爸今天要参加一场排球比赛,为了观赛,我以最快的速度爬了起来。  比赛地点是乡村大世界排球场,比赛双方是西江公司和路桥公司。爸爸给我的任务是翻(fān)积分牌,我信心十足,满口答应。  哨(shào)声响起,排球比赛正式开始了。比赛进行得十分激烈,只见黄色的排球在半空中飞来飞去,就像鲤鱼跳龙门一样快速穿梭(suō)。啦啦队的欢呼声一阵高过一阵。我的心情非常紧
摘 要 高中思想政治教材是高中思想政治课教与学的重要载体,老师依据高中思想政治教材来对学生进行教学活动,学生则利用教材进行高中思想政治学科的备考。在新课程改革背景下,如何编写优秀的高中思想政治课教材等一系列的问题接踵而来。这就要求教育工作者和学校教师在这些存在问题的方面坐在一起,进行新一轮的探讨和修改,进而充分发挥教材对教师教学和学生学习的积极作用,促进中国特色社会主义事业的全面发展。  【关键词
根据计算机科学发展迅速、知识更新快的特点和社会对人才在使用计算机方面的特殊要求 ,研究了一套“师范院校公修计算机实验教学改革方案” According to the rapid develop
1 微软垄断,已是不争的事实。其操作系统占全球市 场的90%和利用捆绑IE打跨网景公司就是最好的说明。 但微软却有着自己的解释。比尔·盖茨说:“只能向消费者说明一个他们已经知道的