Research on design system of band conveyer driven by linear friction

来源 :Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nbu_james
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The band conveyer driven by linear friction is a new device. It can reduce drivesize and conveyor belt tensity, and increase delivery capacity. It has feasibility and usability particularly in altering the original conveyer and solving the problems of capacity insufficiency. The technology has brought certain difficulty for engineers, because it has certaindifficulty both in theory and in calculation. Therefore, Visual Basic 6.0 programming technology was used to develop a set of “the design system of the band conveyer driven bylinear friction.” After being proved in the field, it can completely meet the demands of thedesign. This paper introduced its main theory or basis in design, so as to provide relatedtechnical support to this kind of project. The can convection driven by linear friction is a new device. It has feasibility and usability particularly in altering the original conveyer and solving the problems of capacity insufficiency. difficulty for engineers, because it has certaindifficulty both in theory and in calculation. Therefore, Visual Basic 6.0 programming technology was used to develop a set of “the design system of the band conveyer driven bylinear friction. ” After being proved in the field , it can completely meet the demands of thedesign. This paper introduced its main theory or basis in design, so as to provide relatedtechnical support to this kind of project.
利用动态分析方法确定国有平岗林场马尾松集约化经营的短轮伐期,并对马尾松短轮伐的经济效益进行了动态分析,旨在为马尾松生产集约化经营提供动态决策依据. The dynamic analys
引言 R50-2型扩音机,其功率放大级的阳极直流高压由5Z3P电子管组成全波整流电路。过去在使用过程中一直未发现5Z3P电子管有影响整机输出功率的现象。去年生产的5Z3P应用于同
目的 探讨眼内和眼眶病变的三维超声的图像特征和应用价值.方法采用眼科超声三维成像仪检查9例眼内病变,6例眼眶肿瘤患者,并测量肿瘤体积.结果三维超声可显示所有受检者的眼内和眼眶病变,图像清晰,立体直观;7例眼内肿瘤平均体积712.5mm3;6例眼眶肿瘤平均体积2457.5mm3.结论眼科超声三维成像可显示病变的空间,并测量体积,有临床应用价值。
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