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  【Abstract】Sense and Sensibility is the first novel written by Jane Austen. The Dashwood sisters as heroines in this novel represent respectively “sense” and “sensibility” and are both Feminist in their period. In this thesis they will be analyzed from the perspective of feminism criticism, in general from the analysis of their different personality and in details from their behaviors.
  【Key words】Sense and Sensibility; Elinor; Marianne; Comparative study; Feminism
  1. Introduction
  Sense and Sensibility is a novel written by Jane Austen that was first published in 1811.Jane Austen is one of the most famous writers of feminist literature in United Kingdom of late 18th century and early 19th century. “Sense” in the book means good judgment or prudence, and “sensibility” means sensitivity or emotionality. “Sense” is identified with the character of Elinor, while “sensibility” is identified with the character of Marianne.Dashwood sisters are the most important heroines, who have given many women the meanings and the attitude to their love and marriage, and given women some examples of the attitude to their life and the society. .
  2. The Theory of Feminism Criticism
  Feminist criticism is concerned with the impact of gender on writing and reading. It usually begins with a critique of patriarchal culture. It is concerned with the place of female writers in the cannon. Feminism, which first appeared in France, means that the women must have the same right, the same power, the same social status and the same opportunity as men. Then it spread to England and America even to the whole of the world, and it became popular immediately. Later, it influenced China through the medium of Japan.
  3. The Comparative Study of Elinor and Marianne from the Feminism Perspective
  3.1 The different personality of Elinor and Marianne
  Elinor, her self-recognition abilities,self-respect ability and rational judgment are all implicit criticism both of feminine triviality. She was the heroine at that time. She had got a strong feminism consciousness, this thought made her become self-confident, independent and self-control. Marianne was a woman of spontaneity, excessive sensibility, love of nature, and romantic idealism. She oppose all the things happened around her, and she knows that this happened because of the society, but she was not afraid of this. This is obvious feminist.
  3.2 Responses to others   Elinor is friendly and considerate, so she seldom fights and quarrels with the people around her. Compared to her mother and sister, she must deal with her own and make her family in a pragmatic, politely restrained, and socially conventional way. However Marianne pays no attention to others, she just wants to say what she wants. Marianne disliked other person saying something about herself and her elder sister, So Marianne protests herself and her sister when they were looked down upon. She has rebellious spirit.
  3.3 Reactions in love
  When Elinor fell in love with Edward, the families and the other people all believed they would get married in the future. But Elinor had her own opinion in mind. Even though her love Erward deeply, she knew there was something wrong with Edward. This illustrated that she did not want this will influence her family. So she had a very strong self-control. In contrast, Marianne fell deeply and sincerely in love with John Willoughby,. She ignored all barriers—even barriers of propriety. Her sorrows, her joys, her antipathy and her love will have no moderation—no concealing.
  4. Conclusion
  Dashwood sisters, who have given many women the meanings and the attitude to their love and marriage, and given women some examples of the attitude to their life and th society. That’s because Dashwood Sisters are not only the heroines in the novel but also the feminist women at that time of England. Dashwood sisters are not completely; they are just independent in thoughts. They did not fight against the inequality with the men; they paid more attention to the environment they live.
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【摘要】在当前的大学英语教学中,深化学生的学习认识,改善教学质量,是教师需要肩负的重要责任。为了强化相关人员的认识,本文就任务教学法在大学英语教学中的应用展开探究,希望能够起到一些积极的参考作用。  【关键词】任务教学法;大学英语;教学应用;分析  【作者简介】周虹,讲师,江西环境工程职业学院。  在调查中发现,当前的大学英语教学课堂上,教师多采用的大都是“满堂灌”的教学思路,让学生被动地接受那些
【摘要】缩略语具有语言经济性特点,其表达既方便快捷又简单准确,因此优势格外引人注目。在全球化快速发展的今天,中外交流日益频繁,政府工作报告、中共十九大等中国大型会议报告中大量使用缩略语。但是对于许多学汉语的外国人而言,这种具有中国特色的新、热缩略语很难理解,因此缩略语翻译的准确性促进中外交流具有重要意义。本文将以《2017年政府工作报告》为例浅析缩略语及其翻译策略。  【关键词】缩略语;汉译英  
【摘要】在英语教学过程当中,差异性教学就是根据因材施教的教学原则,在实际教学过程当中的具体运用。由于小学生年龄特点及其认知水平不同,致使他们的英语水平参差不齐,这样,差异性教学就给小学英语课堂注入了新的活力。  【关键词】小学英语;差异性教学;分析;研究  【作者简介】纪锦华,江苏省苏州市相城区阳澄湖镇湘城小学。  在实际教学过程当中,差异性教学是基于班级学生个体差异情况下开展的针对性教学,实际教
【摘要】小学英语的学习对于学生来说是一个筑造基础的过程,在这个过程中要养成正确的学习态度和学习方法,建立自信心,对以后的英语学习有着重要影响。所以日常的英语课堂教学就显得尤为重要,与此同时对于英语课堂教学中的有效评价的重要性也就凸显了出来。因此下文就小学英语课堂教学中的有效评价进行分析阐述。  【关键词】小学英语;课堂教学;有效评价  【作者简介】杜曼,徐州市铜山区郑集镇田庄小学。  引言  有效
【摘要】英语学科是一门基础的学科,在基础教育阶段是非常重要的,但是在英语教学中通常是以工具性价值为指导的,大多数进行语言知识与语言技能的传授,却忽略了育人价值。英语作为一门语言性学科,其人文性和实践性都比较强,在其思维和文化方面都有很丰富的育人内涵。这篇文章从英语学科中的育人内涵说起,并提出了英语学科育人价值的教学实现策略。  【关键词】中学英语学科;育人价值;教学;策略  【作者简介】赵根,曹县
一、项目研究背景  我校开展的“活力课堂模式下小学英语多样化策略的研究”是在学校整体活力教育理念下开展的英语学科研究项目,是在新课程理念下基于我校课堂教学行为和学生学习的实际情况而确定的,通过活力课堂教学的研究,探索多样化的小学英语活力教育。将教师教学行为与学生学习行为渗透到学科课程中去,在微观层面做群体性、持久性的行动研究,从根本上改变教师的教学方式和学生的学习方式,切实提高教学质量,使学生获得
【摘要】英语作为初中教育体系的基础学科,阅读能力是衡量初中生英语综合素质的重要指标,课外阅读可以切实提升学生的英语能力和阅读水平,对学生未来的学习与发展具有积极作用。本文主要针对初中英语课外阅读中的瓶颈问题进行分析和阐述,并且提出相关应对策略,希望给予我国相关教育同仁以参考和借鉴。  【关键词】初中英语;课外阅读;瓶颈问题;应对策略  【作者简介】于丽萍(1979.05-),女,常州市金坛区白塔中
【摘要】英语写作是检验学生运用英语综合水平的一种手段,在英语写作中,能够从学生的英语作文中看到学生对英语知识的掌握与运用,教师可根据学生的作文水平决定下一步的教学目标和帮助学生对英语知识的查漏补缺。本文主要从注重读写练习、培养语感思维及进行对比讲评三个方面进行初中英语写作教学策略的探究。  【关键词】英语;写作;教学  【作者简介】徐依芬,浙江省宁波市镇海区骆驼实验学校。  初中英语教学不仅是对课