The Happy Golfer

来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gny637259
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  When I was sixteen years old, my father bought me a set of used golf clubs. “I think you’ll be good at this sport, and golf is something you’ll enjoy,” he said. I’ll never forget those clubs. They were Bobby Jones Signatures, made by Spaulding. I loved them, as I loved my father.
  His prediction proved to be somewhat accurate. I did get pretty good at the sport. But I didn’t just enjoy golf, as my father had predicted, I became obsessed with it.
  Golf has been an enduring passion since that day. In the six decades since my father first handed me those clubs, golf has helped me learn the virtues of patience and steadiness. Golf has helped me cope with the tragic1 loss of our daughter on her eighteenth birthday. On days when the mood is blue and dark, golf has forced me to get out the door and keep on keeping on. In short, golf has given me a reason for living.
  Still, after six decades it was time to creative a crowning2 achievement on this sport I so loved. But what could that be? I’d played thousands of rounds of golf. What challenge was left? I thought about it. There was one other activity that appealed to me as much as golf, and that was travel. Why not combine the two? I pulled out a map of the United States. What about taking that RV and heading out on a golfing extravaganza3, a quest to play a round of golf in each of the contiguous U.S. states? Wait, would that even be possible?
  I put the map away. That would be impossible.
  But the thought stuck with me. I decided to talk to my doctor about it. He warned me that attempting such a feat would put a lot of stress on my heart.
  “Doctor, I’m seventy-two years old. Going to the bathroom puts a lot of stress on my heart. I’d rather go out in a blaze of glory doing what I love, than slumped over a toilet seat.”
  He advised against it.   他建议不要这样做。
  I decided to go for it.
  But Where to begin? I thought about writing a golf company to see if they might be interested in sponsoring my trip. Callaway bought into the idea. I proposed playing two rounds of golf in each of the forty-eight states, a total of ninety-six rounds of golf in ninety-six days.
  As the departure day approached, my anticipation grew stronger. Finally, the day came. My family gathered at the house to bid me farewell. I felt both confident and comforted by their support. After months of planning and preparation, this would be my Forrest Gump of golf moment.
  From that point forward I never looked back. There were many long drives during the journey, some on the golf course but mostly on the roadways. Finally I got into a rhythm, I found my groove. It went something like this: EAT. SLEEP. DRIVE. PLAY GOLF. REPEAT.
  As my trip progressed, people started learning about my pursuit and they started showing up at golf courses. They were reading the daily blog updates and my job was serving to inspire them. People started calling me “The Happy Golfer” and golf courses started charging my greens fees free and inviting me to pose for pictures in the pro shop afterward. Reporters began calling. Soon I had interviews and media duties. This whole effort was proving to be quite a sensation. I started growing a beard, just like Forrest Gump. I was on a roll.
  Then I had heart palpitations and my left shoulder went numb. Next, my right. I checked myself into a hospital. The cardiologist confirmed that my arteries were clogged and I would need surgery. It wasn’t a matter of if, he explained, but when.
  When would I need to have this done? It became an important question of my life. Was it possible to continue forward and realize my dream? Or must I stop? The doctor had his opinion, and I had mine. The two didn’t necessarily reconcile4, but I decided to play on.   我什么时候需要做这个手术?这成了我生活中的一个重要问题。有没有可能继续前进,实现我的梦想?还是说必须停下来?医生有他的意见,我也有我的。我们不一定非要达成一致,但我决定继续比赛。
  I mostly stayed at campgrounds along the way, or sometimes with friends, and in Walmart parking lots. After the hospital scare, my diet became very strict. I only ate healthy foods, like salads and fresh vegetables. I started feeling better.
  The final day, as you can imagine, was quite emotional. Putting in the last shot on Hole 18 of the Gold Hills Golf Course in Redding, California brought strong feelings and reflections. I’d completed two rounds of golf in each of the forty-eight states for a total of ninety-six rounds of golf in ninety-six days. Mission accomplished.
  It had been an amazing journey, one that required me to overcome many fears and doubts. After seventy-two years of living I finally proved to myself that I was more brave than I’d ever given myself credit for being. If anyone needs a resource for locating a nice golf course in any state, or finding a Walmart parking lot to camp in, I’m your guy. Beyond that, if anyone dreams of trying something really bold5 in his or her life, think of The Happy Golfer...and go for it.
  1. tragic [] adj. 悲惨的;悲痛的
  2. crowning [] adj. 使完美的;使圆满的
  3. extravaganza [] n. 铺张华丽的娱乐表演
  4. reconcile [] v. 使和谐一致;调和
  5. bold [] adj. 大胆自信的;敢于冒险的
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摘要:实验是化学的灵魂,是点燃学生学习兴趣的最佳载体。只要留心观察,善于动脑,我们可以利用身边常见材料改进优化很多实验,借助杠杆改进实验能增加实验的趣味性和启迪学生的科学思维、培养学生的学科素养和创新能力。  关键词:化学;实验;杠杆;改进  文章编号:1008-0546(2016)04-0088-01 中图分类号:G633.8 文献标识码:B  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1008-0
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