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著名科学家爱因斯坦的名言:“兴趣是最好的老师。”教育家乌申斯基也曾就过:“没有兴趣的强制性学习,将会扼杀学生探求真理的欲望。”这足以说明兴趣在教学过程中的重要作用。兴趣是学习的先导,学习兴趣是学习积极性中最现实最活跃的成分,心理学研究表明:兴趣是一种强烈而持久的动机,它属于非智力因素。浓厚的学习兴趣能调动学生的内驱力,使学习具备“能源”,促使大脑处于积极活动状态,促进观察力、注意力、记忆力、思维力等智力因素的高效率活动,造成获取知识的最佳心理状态,因而兴趣是培养能力,发展智力不可缺少的心理动因。兴趣的形成是一个较为复杂的心理过程,它是在充满情趣、富有魅力的教学活动中逐渐培养起来的,这就要求教师在设计教学过程时,从教学内容的处理 The famous scientist Einstein famously said: “Interest is the best teacher.” Educator Usinski once said: “Compulsory learning without interest will kill students’ desire to seek truth.” This is enough to show interest The important role in the teaching process. Interest is the forerunner of learning. Learning interest is the most realistic and active component of learning enthusiasm. Psychology studies show that interest is a strong and lasting motivation and it is a non-intelligence factor. Strong interest in learning can mobilize students’ internal drive, make learning possess “energy”, promote the brain to be active, and promote efficient activities such as observation, attention, memory, thinking and other intellectual factors, resulting in the most knowledge acquisition. Good psychological state, and therefore interest is the psychological driving force for cultivating ability and developing intelligence. The formation of interest is a more complex psychological process. It is gradually cultivated in a fun and engaging teaching activity. This requires teachers to deal with the teaching content when designing the teaching process.
在三角形中,有一个熟知的不等式命题为命题1 若△ABC的三边的长分别为a、b、c,外接圆半径为R,则 1986年,文[1]在圆内接四边形中,推出了一个类似的命题: 命题2 若圆内接四边
腹膜透析患者肾脏移植23例报告孙世澜,周朝阳,刘晓城,曾凡军,夏穗生TRANSPLANTATIONRECEIVINGPERITONE-ALDIALYSISSunShilan;ZhengFanjun;ZhonChaoy-ang,etal.(Depart... Renal Transplantation in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Report of 23 Cases Sun Shilan, Zhou Chaoya
Niigata大学医院在1992年1月~1993年3月曾为10例原发性醛固酮增多症采用腹腔镜肾上腺切除术。在全麻诱导前先放置鼻胃管和导尿管。在脐下插入Veress针,注人 CO_2 4~6 L,其压力不
采用已烯雌酚外用,对34例女性尿道肉阜进行治疗与观察。用药20天后治愈23例,治愈率为67.6%;显效4例,显效率为11.8%;有效5例,有效率为14.7%;无效2例,无效率为5.9%;并用自身前后对照两组比较,差异显著(P<0.01)。 With the ext