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“名刊要览”是我刊在2006年推出的一个全新的栏目。浏览世界顶级期刊、掌握世界发展趋势、追踪国际学术前沿、提升我国学术水平、服务我国经济发展是我们栏目的宗旨。本栏目将用摘译的方法介绍在国际著名期刊上发表的最新的、重要的学术论文。及时、全面地了解这些论文的内容是每一个经济研究者必不可少的工作。而发表在国外期刊上的论文数不胜数,因此如何选择论文就成为至关重要的问题。本栏目在论文选择上主要考虑两个标准:首先,论文必须是发表在国际权威学术期刊上的论文。我们主要选择摘译《美国经济评论》、《国际经济评论》、《发展经济学杂志》、《比较经济学杂志》、《远东经济评论》、《经济学家》、《管理科学杂志》、《管理科学评论》、《人力资源管理》、《金融学杂志》《哈佛商业评论》等国际顶尖杂志上的文章。其次,摘译的论文要对我国经济改革与发展有借鉴与指导意义。本着推动我国经济学与管理学研究工作的目的,本栏目通过这种方式,集合广大专家学者的智慧,对相关优秀学术论文进行摘译,以飨读者。此次,我们在本栏目中特别安排了两种模式的介绍,一种是带作者简介的;一种则不带,但文章内容介绍得详细些,如您能从读者的角度谈谈您的偏好,我们将不胜感激。我们期待您的关注与支持。如果您对我们的栏目有何意见与建议,请与我们联系。联系方式:fanhejun@sina.com “Top Catalog” is a brand new section that I published in 2006. To browse the top journals in the world, master the trend of world development, track international academic frontiers, upgrade our academic standards and serve our country’s economic development are the purposes of our column. This column will use the method of translation to introduce the latest and important academic papers published in internationally renowned periodicals. Timely and comprehensive understanding of the content of these papers is an indispensable task for every economic researcher. The number of papers published in foreign journals is endless, so how to choose a thesis becomes a crucial issue. This column mainly consider two criteria in the selection of papers: First, the essay must be published in the international authoritative academic journals. We mainly choose to translate “American Economic Review”, “International Economic Review”, “Journal of Development Economics”, “Journal of Comparative Economics”, “Far Eastern Economic Review”, “Economist”, “Journal of Management Science”, “ Management Science Review ”,“ Human Resources Management ”,“ Journal of Finance ”,“ Harvard Business Review ”and other top international magazines. Second, the translated papers should have reference and guiding significance to China’s economic reform and development. In order to promote our country’s economics and management research purposes, this column by this way, the wisdom of the vast number of experts and scholars, the relevant outstanding academic papers were extracted in order to readers. This time, we have specially arranged two kinds of introduction in this column, one is with the author’s introduction; the other is without the article, but the article is introduced in more detail, if you can talk about your from the reader’s point of view Preference, we would be greatly appreciated. We look forward to your attention and support. If you have comments and suggestions on our section, please contact us. Contact: fanhejun @ sina. com
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