
来源 :地铁与轻轨 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:revire
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北京市城建设计研究院,受中国国际贸易促进委员会指派,参加伊朗德黑兰国际博览会,参展内容为展出北京地铁模型。长6m,宽1m,展示地铁的三个车站,一个建成的双层站,一个立体交叉换乘车站,一个三层施工过程的车站,地面反映东长安街及建外大街,从东单开始至大北窑,包括马路北侧国际饭店、妇联大厦、国际大厦、京伦饭店、外交公寓等重点大型公共建筑及建国门立交桥,整个模型宏观场面气势浩大,微观细致意深,地上地下相互衬托,体现出改革开放以来首都北京城市建设的宏伟场面及辉煌成就。 Beijing Urban Construction Design and Research Institute was appointed by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade and attended the Tehran International Fair in Iran. The contents of the exhibition include the model of the Beijing Subway. It is 6m long and 1m wide. It displays three subway stations, a double-decked station, a three-dimensional interchange station and a three-storey construction station. The ground reflects East Chang’an Avenue and Jianwai Avenue, starting from Dongdan The northern kiln includes the major public buildings such as International Hotel, Women’s Federation Building, International Mansion, Jinglun Hotel and Diplomatic Residence and the overpass of Jianguomen over the north side of the road. Since the reform and opening up the capital city of Beijing’s magnificent scene and brilliant achievements.
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