Jiuzhaigou Ecotourism Areal System:Temporal Evolution of Entropic Change

来源 :Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoF123456789
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The temporal evolution of entropy of Jiuzhaigou ecot-ourism areal system has been quantitatively analyzed by using equation of system entropy V = k ln M-k ln C.The computed entropy for Jiuzhaigou ecotourism areal system for 20 years indicates a negative value during 1986-1996, which implies that the system had remained a healthy state during this period. The system entropy value, however, showed a constant increase since 1996 until it turned to be positive in 2000 when the system became cha-otic. After 2000 the entropy value declined until 2003 when it escalated once again. By analyzing the causes and process of en-tropy change of the system, it is argued that fluctuation of entropy value is due to the overloading of tourist service capacity by tourism activities. It is desired to curb the flow of tourist volume and reinforce conservation efforts as well as, so that an ideal balance between conservation and development could be maintained. The temporal evolution of entropy of Jiuzhaigou ecot-ourism areal system has been quantitatively analyzed by using equation of system entropy V = k ln Mk ln C. The computed entropy for Jiuzhaigou ecotourism areal system for 20 years indicates a negative value during 1986-1996, which implies that the system had remained a healthy state during this period. The system entropy value, however, showed a constant increase since 1996 until it turned to be positive in 2000 when the system became cha-otic. After 2000 the entropy value stopped until 2003 when it escalated once again. By analyzing the causes and process of en-tropy change of the system, it is argued that fluctuation of entropy value is due to the overloading of tourist service capacity by tourism activities. It is desired to curb the flow of tourist volume and reinforce conservation efforts as well as so that an ideal balance between conservation and development could be maintained.
病历摘要患者女,24岁,因呕吐、腹泻、低热2个月余,腰痛、尿频、尿急7 d于2005年9月12日北京协和医院普通内科。患者曾于2005年6月在日本进食生 Summary of medical records
复旦大学李兆基图书馆位于复旦大学江湾校区内,欧式风格,庄重典雅,总建筑面积1.9万多平方米,地下一层,地上四层,以校董李兆基博士的名字命名,于2008年9月正式启用。 该馆在馆