
来源 :常州工程职业技术学院高职研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshizd0214
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For about four centuries,thousands of scholars have been studying Shakespeare’s sonnets from different perspectives,and consequently there have been thousands of points of views on the meanings of the sonnets. It is out of the question to make a comprehensive study of all the related research works. However,when discussing the themes of Shakespeare’s sonnets,the countless disputes mainly fall into three categories,namely,homosexual school,non homosexual school,and neutral school. Each school seems to have reasonable proofs for their arguments,yet actually none of them is convincing enough to stand severe reasoning. What the endless disputes disclose to us is just people’s endless enthusiasm in Shakespeare’s works. To understand the Sonnets in a scientific way,we need to take the Author’ s social background and his marital conditions into consideration and take a positive approach to the appreciation of the Sonnets. For about four centuries, thousands of scholars have been studying Shakespeare’s sonnets from different perspectives, and surprised there have been thousands of points of views on the meanings of the sonnets. It is out of the question to make a comprehensive study of all the related research works. However, when discussing the themes of Shakespeare’s sonnets, the countless disputes mainly fall into three categories, namely, homosexual school, non homosexual school, and neutral school. Each school seems to have reasonable proofs for their arguments, yet actually none of them is convincing enough to stand severe reasoning. What the endlesskeh disclose to us is just people’s endless enthusiasm in Shakespeare’s works. To understand the Sonnets in a scientific way, we need to take the Author ’s social background and his marital conditions into consideration and take a positive approach to the appreciation of the Sonnets.
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