
来源 :家庭医药.就医选药 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yunzh
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目的:通过对实例的研究,探讨胎盘早剥的相关迹象以及处理措施。方法:选取近三年来在我院妇产科的胎盘早剥病例50例作为此次的研究对象,对其病例资料和临床资料进行了回顾性分析。结果:胎盘早剥的主要临床表现体现为孕妇的腰腹痛、宫底升高、持续性腹痛、阴道出血等症状,而外伤、宫腔内压力骤减等原因是诱发胎盘早剥的因素。结论:胎盘早剥有一些比较显著的临床特点,因此要加强对孕妇的观察,采取行之有效的预防措施,减少胎盘早剥现象发生的概率。 OBJECTIVE: To explore the relevant signs and treatment measures of placental abruption through the study of the examples. Methods: Fifty cases of placental abruption in obstetrics and gynecology department of our hospital in recent three years were selected as the object of this study. The case data and clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Results: The main clinical manifestations of placental abruption manifested as abdominal pain in pregnant women, lopsided, persistent abdominal pain, vaginal bleeding and other symptoms, and trauma, intrauterine pressure drop and other reasons is the cause of placental abruption. Conclusion: There are some significant clinical features of placental abruption, so to strengthen the observation of pregnant women, take effective preventive measures to reduce the probability of occurrence of placental abruption.
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