Science Letters:Effects of dietary supplementation with Clostridium butyricum on the growth performa

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science(Life Science) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xzlanxing
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The effects of dietary supplementation with Clostridium butyricum on growth performance and humoral immune response in Miichthys miiuy were evaluated. One hundred and fifty Miichthys miiuy weighing approximately 200~260 g were divided into five groups and reared in 15 tanks with closed circuiting culture system. The animals were fed 5 diets: basal diet only (control) or supplemented of the basal diet with C. butyricum at doses of 103 (CB1), 105 (CB2), 107 (CB3) or 109 (CB4) CFU/g. Compared with the control, the serum phenoloxidase activity was significantly increased by the supplementation (P<0.05), acid phosphatases activity was increased significantly (P<0.05) at the doses of 109 CFU/g. Serum lysozyme activity peaked at dose of 107 CFU/g and in the skin mucus at dose of 109 CFU/g. Immunoglobulin M level in the serum and skin mucus was increased except at dose of 103 CFU/g (P<0.05). The growth at the dose of 109 CFU/g was higher than that of the control (P<0.05). It is concluded that supplementation of C. butyricum can mediate the humoral immune responses and improve the growth performance in Miichthys miiuy. The effects of dietary supplementation with Clostridium butyricum on growth performance and humoral immune response in Miichthys miiuy were evaluated. One hundred and fifty Miichthys miiuy weighing approximately 200-260 g were divided into five groups and reared in 15 tanks with closed circuiting culture system. The animals were fed 5 diets: basal diet only (control) or supplemented of the basal diet with C. butyricum at doses of 103 (CB1), 105 (CB2), 107 (CB3) or 109 (CB4) CFU / g. the control, the serum phenoloxidase activity was significantly increased by the supplementation (P <0.05), the acid phosphatases activity was increased significantly (P <0.05) at the doses of 109 CFU / g. Serum lysozyme activity peaked at dose of 107 CFU / g and in the skin mucus at a dose of 109 CFU / g. Immunoglobulin M level in the serum and skin mucus was increased at a dose of 103 CFU / g (P <0.05). than that of the control (P <0.05). It is said that supplementation of C. butyricum can mediate the humoral immune responses and improve the growth performance in Miichthys miiuy.
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