解放思想 加快发展

来源 :湖南政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bigwbiso
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从新世纪开始,我们进入了一个新的发展阶段,特别是加入 WTO 后,我国经济正面临着新的重大变革和发展。面对新的形势、新的机遇,全省上下必须进一步解放思想,更新观念,以思想认识的新突破促进我省经济的大发展。思想是行动的先导。解放思想,更新观念,是加快经济发展的总开关。这次省党政代表团到广东学习考察,大家最深切的体会是,我省与广东的差距,外在表现是发展速 Since the beginning of the new century, we have entered a new stage of development. Especially after our accession to the WTO, our economy is undergoing major new changes and developments. In the face of new situations and new opportunities, the entire province must further emancipate its minds, update its concepts, and promote the great economic development in our province with new breakthroughs in ideological understanding. Thought is the precursor of action. Emancipating the mind and updating concepts are the general switches for accelerating economic development. The provincial party and government delegation to study tours in Guangdong, we have the deepest experience is that the gap between our province and Guangdong, the external performance is the development speed
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