Using a case study, explore the concept of environmental crime

来源 :校园英语·上旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lanying
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  【Abstract】This essay aims to explore the concept of environmental crime by examining a case study of illegal trafficking and the recovery of e-waste from the EU to Accra which is a city in Africa and discuss how environmental crime differs from other crimes from the perspectives of criminal motivation and the victim.
  【Key words】environmental crime; electronic waste, environment; human health; Africa
  There are over 40 million tons of electronic waste (also known as e-waste) which is produced all over the world every year (EUROSTAT, 2014). This is similar to discarding 800 laptops every second (EUROSTAT, 2014). In the 21st century, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) have become a global environmental and human health problem and pose new challenges to explore the concept of environmental crime. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), environmental crime is defined as an act which breaches environmental legislation and causes significant harm or risk to the environment and human health (Hall, 2015). Since the 1989 Basel Convention, the illegal act of moving e-waste from the EU to third world countries has been defined as an example of green crime owing to the fact that e-waste contains harmful chemicals including brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and classical toxic trace elements (TEs). Not only do these chemicals damage our health but they also harm the environment if recycling and disposal is unregulated. As reported by UNEP (2005), e-waste is transported from industrialized countries to less affluent regions of the world such as China, India, and the Philippines because of a higher awareness about hazardous e-waste in EU countries and because of the more stringent regulations regarding the disposal of e-waste.
  Currently, Accra is the largest city in Ghana in terms of developed industrial establishment and it has become one staple destination for e-waste worldwide as a result of a lack in recycling infrastructure, inadequate funding, poor legislation, a lack of public awareness and market based instruments. In 2004, a new policy implemented by the Government of Ghana (GOG) called “bridge the digital divide” which reduced the import duty to zero on used computers. What’s more, government-approved programs like “One Laptop per Child” was initiated for primary school children, has encouraged importation of second-hand electronics in 2009. These practices have most certainly lead the country to become a magnet recipient of e-waste shipments. Although Ghana has ratified the Basel Convention in 2011, the stipulations of the Convention have not examined informal workers and informal-formal linkages for sustainable recycling. As claimed by Hall (2015), there are no distinct policies in Ghana for the regulation and management of e-waste. A general environment of disarray throughout the official economy was created because of their liberalization policies, which in turn contributed greatly to the growth of trans-boundary trading opportunities. Official statistics demonstrate that the second hand electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) imports into Ghana added up to 215,000 tons and a per capita import of 9 kg. However, the majority of e-waste was tackled in the wrong way. As reported by EUROSTAT (2014), only approximately 15.5% of e-waste was recycled with methods that are efficient and environmentally safe in 2014. It has been argued by Hall (2015) that such kinds of illegal trade, shipment and consequential dumping of e-waste, has been regarded as an example of transnational environmental crime. Trafficking EEE to a third world country also has been criminalized by the European and global legislative frameworks such as the Basel Convention. Nevertheless, environmental crimes are defined broadly as illicit acts which harm the environment directly and have a negative effect on our surroundings.   Regardless of incalculable damages to environment and human health, EU countries have and still do transport lots of e-waste to Accra. On the one hand, rational choice theory could be used to explain why individuals and corporations in the EU countries choose to export e-waste instead of disposing of it or recycling it domestically. Rational choice theory is an economic principle which provides people with the highest benefit and it can be applied to both the individual and corporation. Trans-boundary transferring not only can make EU countries reduce cost but also can make them earn a high profit because there are high standards for the treatment of WEEE under EU waste legislation and WEEE legislation. In addition, destination countries have various discarded facilities which are available for recovery. It was revealed in a community study, the total market value of the e-waste recycling and reuse (R
【摘要】高职英语教学一直在探讨一种高效学习英语的教学模式。随着时代的发展,教育模式和教育方法也一直在改进,微课的进入,为高职英语教学改革提供了途径。本文结合微课的特点,分析微课在当今高职英语课程中的应用现状,并根据现有的微课模式分析所存在的问题并给出解决对策,从而更好地促进微课在高职英语教学中的应用。  【关键词】微课教学;高职英语;课程英语  【作者简介】张静(1976- ),女,汉族,河北定州
【摘要】在合作办学高校中,跨学科的通用科技英语课程有着重要的作用。本文力求通过分析教材内容的选取,教学环节的设计,教学考评体系的改革,探讨科技英语课程教学模式的构建,从而推动学生学术交流能力的实现。  【关键词】科技英语;教学模式;教学改革  【作者简介】荣博(1982-),女,吉林长春人,长春师范大学国际交流学院讲师,研究方向:英语教学。  一、合作办学背景下,科技英语教学的必要性  《科技英语
【摘要】本文初步研究了目前民办高职院校英语教学的现状,探讨如何将互动式教学引入到我国高等职业教育英语教学实践中,并进行过程性考核,使学生更积极地参与到英语课堂活动中,并主动用英语进行交流和沟通,提高自身的职场英语运用能力,也期望本文能对高职英语教学改革将起到良好的导向与促进作用。  【关键词】职场英语;互动式教学;过程性考核  【作者简介】廖桂苓,四川长江职业学院。  【基金项目】本文为四川省教育
【摘要】本文通过指出我国高校在医学英语课程教学中所面临的问题和挑战,以ESP“需求分析”理论为切入点,从目标需求,学习需求和环境需求三个角度探讨了“需求分析”理论在设计医学英语课程中的作用和指导意义。  【关键词】需求分析;医学英语;课程设计  【作者简介】蒙思颖(1984.04-),重庆人,重庆医科大学外国语学院,讲师,硕士研究生,研究方向:认知语言学,英语教学法。  一、引言  近年来,随着经
【摘要】在当前的高中英语教学改革与实践的过程当中,更加强调和关注学生的英语学科核心素养的培养。本文从高中英语学生核心素养的基本内涵出发,探讨在今后的高中英语课堂教学中,提升学生英语学科核心素养培养的主要思路。  【关键词】高中英语;核心素养;优化思路  【作者简介】金雪薇,辽宁省锦州市渤海大学。  引言  随着我国英语教学改革的不断深入和完善,围绕学生英语学习诉求,基于未来的英语教学发展需要,在当
【摘要】概要写作考察学生的阅读能力和表达能力。研究表明学生概要写作能力普遍较弱。该文在维果斯基的“最近发展区”理论下探讨对英语专业学生进行概要写作培训所选用的认知支架和情感支架:认知支架以宏观规则、修辞结构理论以及思维导图为基础,情感支架以比喻、类比和叙事为主要内容。  【关键词】概要写作;支架教学模式;认知;情感  【作者简介】何黎莹(1983-),女,汉族,江西上饶人,上饶师范学院外国语学院,
【摘要】多模态教学是一种充分运用多媒体和网络资源来完成课程教学的新型现代化教学模式。本文以江西科技师范大学为例,分析了《英语国家概况》课程目前的教学困境以及实行教学改革的必要性,提出将多模态化教学理论应用于《英语国家概况》课程的教学实践中,以期提升该课程的教学质量和效果。  【关键词】英语国家概况;多模态;教学改革  【作者简介】胡红霞(1978-),女,江西南昌人,江西科技师范大学讲师,硕士,研