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朋友去欧洲旅游,一到瑞士琉森,就碰到一件新鲜事。来到市中心下榻的旅馆,还没拿到房间钥匙,服务员就递上一封厚厚的信,信是附近一家以卖钟表为主的大型百货商店送的。里面装有琉森市的地图、欧元和一些国家货币的兑换表、商店告游客书和主要商品的价目表。店家更绝的一招是在信封的一角附有一张赠券,凭券可到商店领取一把闻名世界的瑞士小军刀。在举目无亲的异国他乡,拿到这样的信使人有一种亲近感。虽然琉森钟表店很多,但游客先人为主,一般都会先去那家商店买东 Friends to travel to Europe, Lucerne, Switzerland, to encounter a new thing. Came to the city center hotel, did not get the keys to the room, the waiter handed a thick letter, the letter is to sell a large department store to sell clocks and watches sent. It houses the map of Lucerne, the exchange tables for the euro and some national currencies, the price lists of the tourist informants and major merchandise in stores. A more unique trick is to shop in the corner of the envelope with a coupon, voucher to the store to receive a world-famous Swiss Army knife. In unaccompanied exotic foreign countries, get such a messenger who has a sense of intimacy. Although there are many Lucerne watch shop, but the visitor-based, usually go to that store to buy
一、学习要点了解本文“于”“其”的用法和因事见理的写法。认识治学必须“深思而慎取”的道理。二、自读指要 1、解释下列各组句子中带点的词。以故其后名之曰“褒禅”后
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一、填空题(每小题7分,共70分) 1.如图1,已知(?)ABCD中,过点B的直线顺次与AC、AD及CD的延长线相交于点E、F、G。若 First, fill in the blanks (7 points for each questio
编辑同志: 2002年10月8日,我的一位亲戚和一家开发商签订了一份商品房买卖合同。当时约定的交付使用时间是2003年6月8日,否则,开发商要支付房价10%的违约金。但到了交付之日,
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