
来源 :中等数学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuzheng80927
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本文对近三年来国内初等数学研究领域的成果和现状作了分析综述,认为存在三个流派,即教材研究派,数学奥林匹克派和数学方法论派。三支力量从三个方向上开展工作,共同推动初等数学研究的深入开展.文中以大量实例说明,初等数学研究领域是一块沃土,近几年硕果累累,有待开发的课题还甚多,有志者在这里是大有可为的. This paper analyzes and summarizes the achievements and the status quo of domestic primary mathematics research field in the past three years, and believes that there are three schools, namely textbook research school, mathematics Olympic school and mathematics methodology school. The three forces work from three directions to jointly promote the development of elementary mathematics. In the paper, a large number of examples illustrate that elementary mathematics research field is a fertile ground and has made great achievements in recent years. There are still many topics to be developed. Here is a great prospect.
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在澳洲ABNNewswire(亚洲财经新闻)的办公室里,亚洲事务部负责人Michelle每个月都要处理很多来自中国投资者的电话或信件。尤其每当有澳洲矿业新闻发布时,来电就会特别多。“都是想来买矿的。尽管我们再三解释ABN只是负责发布新闻,他们还是不愿罢休。”  事实上,在近年全球能源矿产价格飞涨的背景下,加拿大、澳大利亚、巴西、俄罗斯乃至广袤的非洲,哪里有矿产资源,哪里就活跃着中国商人逐利的身影。
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目的探讨hMSH2(human muts homolog 2)基因、增殖细胞核抗原(proliferating cell nuclear antigen,PCNA)和结核菌L型感染在前列腺癌中的表达及相关性研究。方法应用免疫组化
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一、学习要点了解本文“于”“其”的用法和因事见理的写法。认识治学必须“深思而慎取”的道理。二、自读指要 1、解释下列各组句子中带点的词。以故其后名之曰“褒禅”后
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