Acoustic Borehole Images for Fracture Extraction and Analysis in Second Pre-pilot Drillhole of CCSD

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jasmineonbridges
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Ultrasonic imaging logging provides continuous and oriented images of structures vs. depth. In the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, acoustic borehole images were recorded in the second pre-pilot drillhole which penetrates the metamorphic rocks. This paper focuses on fracture evaluation of the drillhole with these images. Both least square fit and a modified Hough transform are used for fracture extraction, and 269 fractures were mapped in the interval from 69.5 to 1 020 m. Most fractures dip steeply, with an average angle of 54°. Fracture dip directions are dominantly in the range of 220°-280° above the depth of 267 m, but 80°-120° in the lower zones. These observations may indicate the differences in structural movements or in-situ stress fields between the upper and lower zones in the drillhole. Ultrasonic imaging logging provides continuous and oriented images of structures vs. depth. In the Chinese Continental Scientific Drilling (CCSD) Project, acoustic borehole images were recorded in the second pre-pilot drillhole which penetrates the metamorphic rocks. This paper focuses on fracture evaluation of the drill holes with these images. Both least square fit and a modified Hough transform are used for fracture extraction, and 269 fractures were mapped in the interval from 69.5 to 1 020 m. Most fractures dip steeply, with an average angle of 54 °. Fracture dip directions are dominantly in the range of 220 ° -280 ° above the depth of 267 m, but 80 ° -120 ° in the lower zones. These observations may indicate the differences in structural movements or in-situ stress fields between the upper and lower zones in the drillhole.
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