,Generation of various multiatom entangled graph states via resonant interactions

来源 :中国物理B(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xynady
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In this paper, a scheme for generating various multiatom entangled graph states via resonant interactions is proposed. We investigate the generation of various four-atom graph states first in the ideal case and then in the case in which the cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission are taken into consideration in the process of interaction. More importantly, we improve the possible distortion of the graph states coming from cavity decay and atomic spontaneous emission by performing appropriate unitary transforms on atoms. The generation of multiatom entangled graph states is very important for constructing quantum one-way computer in a fault-tolerant manner. The resonant interaction time is very short, which is important in the sense of decoherence. Our scheme is easy and feasible within the reach of current experimental technology.
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