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本刊讯据《云南日报》报道,2015年上半年,云景林纸实现工业总产值4.37亿元,同比增长58.9%;实现营业收入4.67亿元,同比增长38.6%;上缴税费1182万元,同比增长62.7%从西南地区最大的纸浆生产企业到利用自己生产的纸浆生产生活用纸,云南云景林纸股份有限公司用了整整10年时间。如今,“思景”“雅若”等品牌的卷筒纸、盒抽纸、手帕纸、婴儿用纸等数十个高档生活用纸品种销往省外及全省16个州市,云景林纸用行动践行着延伸产业链、提 According to “Yunnan Daily” reported that in the first half of 2015, Yunjing Lin realized total industrial output value of 437 million yuan, an increase of 58.9%; operating income 467 million yuan, an increase of 38.6%; taxes paid 11.82 million yuan , An increase of 62.7% from the largest pulp manufacturer in Southwest China to use pulp production of their own production of tissue paper, Yunnan Yunlin Lin Paper Co., Ltd. spent a full 10 years. Today, tens of top-grade tissue paper products such as web, box paper, handkerchief paper and baby paper are sold outside the province and 16 provinces in the province City, Yun-lin Lin paper with the practice of extending the industrial chain, mention
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