
来源 :歌曲 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heimacom
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3月27日,中央企业音乐专业委员会成立大会在京召开。来自74家中央企业的120余名代表参加会议。会议确立了音乐专委会组织机构,通过了《工作报告》和《工作规则》,明确了今后的工作方向,对于推动央企音乐创作发展繁荣,凝聚广大产业音乐工作者智慧力量,必将产生积极作用。多年来,中央企业音乐创作紧跟时代步伐,顺应职工期待,呈现出持续繁荣、百花齐放的喜人景象,涌现出《我为祖国献石油》《咱们工人有力量》《勘探队员之歌》等优秀作品,《家的牵 March 27, the establishment of the Central Enterprise Music Committee was held in Beijing. More than 120 representatives from 74 central enterprises attended the meeting. The meeting established a music special committee organization, adopted the “work report” and “rules of work,” defined the future direction of work, to promote the development and prosperity of central enterprises music creation, unite the wisdom of the broad masses of industrial music workers, will have a positive effect. Over the years, the central enterprise’s music creation has kept pace with the times and is in the expectation of employees. It presents a gratifying picture of continuous prosperity and flourishing flowers. Outstanding works such as “I dedicate oil for the motherland”, “we have the power of workers” and “song of exploration crew” , "Home’s pull
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