
来源 :Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cairing
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A pressured microwave-assisted hydrolysis(PMAH) technique has been developed for hydrolyzing the crude glycyrrhizic acid(GA) extracted from licorice root to prepare glycyrrhetinic acid(GRA).In order to optimize the efficiency of PMAH,several experimental parameters were investigated,including liquid-solid ratio,hydrolysis time,sulfuric acid concentration and hydrolysis temperature.The optimized hydrolysis conditions were as follows:pressured microwave-assisted hydrolysis of crude GA for 21 min(taking 15 min to reach 150 oC,and holding it for 6 min) at 150 oC(at a radiation power of 450 W) in 3%-5% sulfuric acid solution with the liquid-solid(ml?g?1 crude GA) ratio of 25︰1.As a result of the considerable saving in time and higher product yields(up to 90%),PMAH was proved more effective than conventional methods. A pressured microwave-assisted hydrolysis (PMAH) technique has been developed for hydrolyzing the crude glycyrrhizic acid (GA) extracted from licorice root to prepare glycyrrhetinic acid (GRA). In order to optimize the efficiency of PMAH, several experimental parameters were investigated, including liquid-solid ratio, hydrolysis time, sulfuric acid concentration and hydrolysis temperature. The optimized hydrolysis conditions were as follows: pressured microwave-assisted hydrolysis of crude GA for 21 min (taking 15 min to reach 150 oC, and holding it for 6 min) at 150 oC (at a radiation power of 450 W) in 3% -5% sulfuric acid solution with the liquid-solid (ml? g? 1 crude GA) ratio of 25︰1.As a result of the considerable saving in time and higher product yields (up to 90%), PMAH was proved more effective than conventional methods.
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The role on improving the fuel economy and vehicle safety of HSLA steel was outlined.The application of HSLA steel on car body home and abroad was briefly intro