Growth and structural properties of silicon on Ag films prepared by 40.68 MHz very-high-frequency ma

来源 :Plasma Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baobei_jing
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The growth of silicon on Ag films via 40.68 MHz very-high-frequency(VHF) magnetron sputtering was investigated. The energy distribution and flux density of the ions on the substrate were also measured. The results showed that 40.68 MHz magnetron sputtering can produce ions with higher energy and lower flux density. The impact of these ions onto the grown surface promotes the growth of silicon, which is related to the crystalline nature and microstructure of the underlayer of the Ag films, and there is large particle growth of silicon on Ag films with a preferred orientation of(111), and two-dimensional growth of silicon on Ag films with a better face-centered cubic structure. The growth of silicon on Ag films via 40.68 MHz very-high-frequency (VHF) magnetron sputtering was investigated. The energy distribution and flux density of the ions on the substrate were also measured. The results showed that 40.68 MHz magnetron sputtering can produce ions with higher energy and lower flux density. The impact of these ions onto the grown surface promotes the growth of silicon, which is related to the crystalline nature and microstructure of the underlayer of the Ag films, and there is large particle growth of silicon on Ag films with a preferred orientation of (111), and two-dimensional growth of silicon on Ag films with a better face-centered cubic structure.
本文讨论了2000年美国国会图书馆及北美各大图书馆采用汉语拼音和由韦式(Wabe Giles)音标向汉语拼音的转换,并就汉语拼音的实施,美国国会图书馆制定的《汉字罗马化指导方案》与《汉语拼音方案》的异同以及《汉字罗马化指导方案》所存在的问题作了探讨。
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