Changes in Phosphorus Fractions, pH, and Phosphatase Activity in Rhizosphere of Two Rice Genotypes

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A rhizobox experiment with two phosphorus (P) treatments, zero-P (0 mg P kg-1) and plus-P (100 mg P kg-1) as Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O, was conducted to study the chemical and biochemical properties in the rhizosphere of two rice genotypes (cv. Zhongbu 51 and Pembe) different in P uptake ability and their relationship with the depletion of soil P fractions. Plant P uptake, pH, phosphatase activity, and soil P fractions in the rhizosphere were measured. Both total dry weight and total P uptake of Pembe were significantly (P < 0.05) higher than those of Zhongbu 51 in the zero-P and plus-P treatments. Significant depletions of resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po, and NaOH-Pi, where Pi stands for inorganic P and Po for organic P, were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe under both P treatments. Pembe showed a greater ability than Zhongbu 51 in depleting resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po, NaOH-Pi, and NaOH- Po in the rhizosphere. HCl-Pi and residual-P were not depleted in the rhizosphere of both genotypes, regardless of P treatments despite significant acidification in the rhizosphere of Pembe under zero-P treatment. Higher acid phosphatase (AcPME) activity and alkaline phosphatase (AlPME) activity were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe compared to the corresponding controls without plant. AcPME activity was negatively (P < 0.01) correlated to NaHCO3-Po concentration in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe, suggesting that AcPME was associated with the mineralization of soil organic P. A rhizobox experiment with two phosphorus (P) treatments, zero-P (0 mg P kg -1) and plus-P (100 mg P kg -1) as Ca (H 2 PO 4) 2 .H 2 O, was conducted to study the chemical and Biochemical properties in the rhizosphere of two rice genotypes (cv. Zhongbu 51 and Pembe) different in P uptake ability and their relationship with the depletion of soil P fractions. Plant P uptake, pH, phosphatase activity, and soil P fractions in the rhizosphere were Significant depletions of resin-Pi, NaHCO3-Pi, NaHCO3-Po (P <0.05) higher than those of Zhongbu 51 in the zero-P and plus- , and NaOH-Pi, where Pi stands for inorganic P and Po for organic P, were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe under both P treatments. Pembe showed a greater ability than Zhongbu 51 in depleting resin-Pi, NaHCO3- Pi, NaHCO3-Po, NaOH-Pi, and NaOH-Po in the rhizosphere. HCl-Pi and residual-P were not depleted in the rhizosphere of both genotypes, regardless of P deposits than significant acidification in the rhizosphere of Pembe under zero-P treatment. Higher acid phosphatase (AcPME) activity and alkaline phosphatase (AlPME) activity were observed in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe compared to the corresponding controls without plant. AcPME activity was negatively (P <0.01) correlated to NaHCO3-Po concentration in the rhizosphere of both Zhongbu 51 and Pembe, suggesting that AcPME was associated with the mineralization of soil organic P.
摘 要: 为了更科学、更准确地了解现代体育文化发展的价值意蕴,从体育文化的内涵及特征、体育文化的产生史程、现代体育发展趋向、现代体育文化的价值取向和现代体育文化的价值意蕴五个方面探讨是非常必要的,并对推动世界体育的发展及人类社会的进步具有极其重要的意义。  关键词: 现代体育文化 发展 价值意蕴    一、体育文化释义  (一)体育文化概念的界定及特征  文化,广义指人类在社会历史实践中所创造的物
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摘 要: 本文作者结合《数控加工技术》网络课程建设的要点,提出了层次性设计思路,并付诸实施。教学实践证明,采用注重层次性知识结构配置的网络课程,对提高学教学效果具有显著的作用。  关键词: 《数控加工技术》 总体建设思路 网络课程 层次性设计    1.引言  随着现代教学手段的普及与推广,网络课程教学越来越受到重视,并且各学校都建设了一批网络课程用于教学实践。网络课程是通过网络表现的某门学科的教